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< 0305 | 0306 | 0307 >

0702 Figure of Speech is the proper and natural iconization of our proper and natural ternary efficiency and civilized commons.

0720 Farcie is a small neologism for someone who is full of it, or that condition, namely full of psychology's junkie fallacy, the psyche's zombie self-deception and the scorched earth logistics of psychiatry's farcie functional disorder: the woke mind virus subverting civilization.

0837 That you have to go and that going means getting back to earth...

1119 I have pinpointed the joke part of the joke. And it is pure insanity. The surface of which our President defines as the swamp.

1125 The swamp is the face-part of faceb4truth. Therefore the deep state is the fake truth behind it.

0818 The totalitarian Leninist vanguard party suffers CDS (Conservatism Derangement Syndrome)
It is incredible how they project what they are doing onto the Republican Party! But their actual derangement is not Trump. President Trump is its diversion, its fake icon. It is civilization derangement syndrome or more specifically conservatism-derangement syndrome. The TLV party's fake platform is change. They say things do not stay the same and that they wanna brat party but conservatism is the stick in the mud. So they malignantly prosecute them.
How in the world is it possible that such delusion now dominates? It's pathetically simple why. My theory is that everything is word and word is a very special kind of point, a point that all stories consist of.
Word is a point-derivative integral. We are always now, and because of the word "time," the world at once integrates, literally as that point and thus everything is word. Such iconic point-integral is static or dynamic because of the derivative orders of displacement over time, but it is far more static—properly, naturally and as the commons of civilization.
The static is far more defined and thus pronounced as the word definitions (words) of the point-integral, WORD.
The problem with the woke mind virus is that it flips reality, denying word, saying that the dynamic is more pronounced, that the higher derivative orders are more pervasive, and that conservatism denies nature. That is a fatal error.

Apart from that my contention is that the deranged party's preoccupation with change grossly subverts and undermines the proper distribution of our natural intelligence and agency: man, woman and child.

0848 So, to the deranged party in any way staying the same is change. Therefore everything must be permanently actively with maximum volatility queered. It is THE denial of reality. It truly is what I call "farcie." Like those formerly engaged in the malignant prosecution with brat joy of President Trump.

0913 @jordanbpeterson That everything is word is not a mistake. That Someone in Heaven is it or has it is the mistake. But the worse version of that mistake is the delusion that the rarest fog of volatile change is escape from it.

1005 Such rare fog of insanely volatile change (high derivative order) is what the woke mind virus consists of. It is what it does to man's identity, man, woman and child.

1040 The clamorous brat lawfare of the woke mind virus.
The totalitarian Leninist vanguard cult's deep junk is not overtones alone, it rejects its own rejection of proper, natural and common sense with overtones instead: with undertones.
It is the death cult—of absolute entropy.

1107 The fatal error—feminism (f) as word denial
Word: conservative qualities of property, order and commons.
The woke mind virus prioritizes change, i.e., high infinitesimal derivative order aggregation: Inseminating the woman's “psychic unconscious” with paradox and chaos together.

1152 Deep fake is the totalitarian Leninist chaos of the psychological projection that the man says that the woman represents chaos.
Instead of that her intelligence and agency are indexical in relation to that of the man's whose are iconic, and that of the child's whose are symbolic.

1157 Everything is symbol. Therefore the man's intelligence and agency are iconic symbol, the woman's indexical symbol and the child's symbolic symbol.
The woke mind viral chaos utterly infecting the Democratic Party is the feminist corruption of our ternary intelligence and agency.

1204 Any point that even just implies that the woman is chaos rather than the very thing that defines the world, namely the indexing of the point-derivative integral is the woke mind virus.

1207 The woman trying to fill the man's shoes is only the symptom of the fatal deep state error and corruption.

1313 What if your woman is not the woman, but its corrupt shadow—the most directly brainwashed leg of our ternary intelligence and agency?

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Page last modified on March 06, 2025, at 06:45 PM