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< 0303 | 0304 | 0305 >

1036 Is any country in particular doing this or the woke mind virus, namely undermined mothering instinct in the woman orchestrating a puppet show of psycho-feminist metastasis?

1115 Point-i (my philosophy) flips Peirce’s semiotic hierarchy and obviates his tension with nominalism. It is exactly not “mere” word or “mere” nominalism that everything is word.

Peirce’s framework missed a critical insight: that the icon (and thus firstness) isn’t merely a resemblance but exists only as symbol, making firstness the richest category—encompassing icon, index, and symbol, all as symbol, a point-derivative known as “word” (ẋᵢ).

My philosophy Point-i is the hypothesis of the man as iconic symbol, the woman indexical symbol and the child symbolic symbol, all in the structural landscape of the iconic, i.e., uniquely the man’s perspective.

The point-derivative (ẋᵢ) unifies displacement, higher-order dynamics (derivatives), and lower-order absement (integrals) into a "landscape of man-intelligence," which is iconic and immediate without ambivalence necessitating paradox or nothingness only to the man.

1202 So, the child (symbol) as time. The man (icon) and woman (index) are the landscape. So, feminism is a distortion like never before. It wants nothing to do with her proper natural function.

Note that E-Prime is always implied if the point-derivative (ẋᵢ) literally integrates all orders.

1232 I have refined the puppets as junkies, zombies and farcies—because the psychologistic idiocy of the woke mind virus has to reflect the proper firstness, secondness and thirdness of the language it is destroying.

1234 The woke mind virus reduces men to junkies, women to zombies and children to farcies.

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Page last modified on March 06, 2025, at 12:21 PM