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< 0304 | 0305 | 0306 >

0700 In other words she is using psychological projection and she does it because the Democrat Party she belongs to is the totalitarian Leninist vanguard party intent on breaking down our republic and democracy.

0715 The truth is hard to reestablish when a totalitarian Leninist vanguard cult like Elissa Slotkin's D-Party has brainwashed society to all but destroy its ternary intelligence and function. That brainwashing is psychology and feminism.

0720 It uses every field women are relatively less competent at than men (and with DEI, necessarily have to lie to be in their positions) to smear men most genius in the field as incompetent.

0727 Once a woman is in a job where she is less competent than scores of men in line for her job in that field and don't get it because she has been pushed into it with systemic DEI she can maintain her position only by following the lies of the totalitarian Leninist vanguard cult.

0742 DEI are lies top to bottom.
Psychological projection spearheads its lies.

0752 The destruction of ternary function roots in the main function of any people, and that is to procreate. So, the totalitarian Leninist vanguard cult (the woke mind virus) destroys the woman's need to have and raise enough children to become the men and women that constitute the people, and pushes her into the workplace to disrupt the effectiveness of its men.

0756 That is the truth that is difficult and dangerous to tell in a totalitarian Leninist vanguard cult (woke mind virus) corrupted society, which does not mean it is not the truth.

0815 The DEI known as feminism is a communist-pimped profession far worse than prostitution.
Humanity is absolutely unable to survive without proper natural ternary intelligence and agency distribution.
Truth and honesty are impossible without it.

0820 The DEI in terms of other kinds of perceived inequities are psychologistic diversion to the main DEI, which is the brainwashing of feminism bent on destroying not only the family and people of America and Western Civilization but ultimately the world, namely our species.

0828 The relative incompetence of women is not only in jobs that demand physical speed and strength. In well-repeated psychometrics the disparate distribution in the five main traits defining relative competence in men vs. women the inefficiencies of quotas are blatant.

0835 The main corruption (and the context of what is stated here is massively complex) is the stunting of births and raising children and the frustration of men chronically interrupted to deal with women dragging down everything by doing jobs poorly where they do not belong.

0840 Feminism is a dirty money profession destroying the people.

0843 The main corruption (and the context of what is stated here is massively complex) is the stunting of births and raising children and the frustration of men chronically interrupted to deal with women dragging down everything by sucking at jobs they pigheadedly insist on doing.

0849 So, DEI is predominantly about sex, namely feminism.
The racial controversy is psychologistic diversion.
Feminism is the global prostitution ring for the totalitarian Leninist vanguard cult.

1017 That's right. Their arse-speech synchronize spontaneously, more like the collectivist mind-f of the woke mind virus, i.e., totalitarian Leninist vanguard cult indoctrination.

1025 New.
"The psyche" is the broader category of "the mind."
It includes "the unconscious," a vast landscape our outer and inner universes consists of, and the reason that nothing can be normal unless it is relentlessly subject to change.

1027 Change? Queering.

1039 We must be very careful to not have quotas in the ideal —society by meritocracy.
That includes the proper distribution of not men but women having and raising enough children to sustain the number of peoples.

1158 Thad, I hope this comment is okay and does not disturb the figure 8 knot's vitality. Note that for humanity as a species of life, everything is properly and naturally about procreation.


Consciousness is not beyond the knot, but the psyche at every semantic category's highest resolution in that it is triadic resolves to the knot. Being the man, woman and child intelligence and agency or function it is ternary. Man iconic symbol (richest), woman indexical symbol (linking), child symbolic symbol (grow into man or woman). Peirce's problem with nominalism gone.


In this framework, the psyche does not extend beyond the figure-eight knot (f8k); rather, at the highest resolution of every semantic category, it resolves into this triadic structure. This resolution suggests that the mind’s deepest organization of meaning converges on the f8k, a pattern that integrates consciousness, perception, and reality itself. Within this triad, the roles of man, woman, and child emerge as distinct forms of intelligence and agency, each aligned with Charles Peirce’s semiotic categories:

Man as the iconic symbol: This represents the richest, most direct form of representation, akin to an image or likeness that mirrors what it signifies (e.g., a portrait capturing a person’s essence).

Woman as the indexical symbol: This acts as the linking or connecting function, pointing to relationships or indicating something beyond itself (e.g., smoke signaling fire).

Child as the symbolic symbol: This embodies potential, an arbitrary or conventional sign that grows into either man or woman (e.g., a word like “tree” gaining meaning through context and use).

The Triadic Structure and the Figure-Eight Knot

The figure-eight knot (f8k) serves as a metaphor for this triadic pattern. Far from being a mere abstract concept, it reflects the psyche’s fundamental architecture. At its most refined level, every category of meaning—every way the mind makes sense of the world—resolves into this knot-like structure. Here, man, woman, and child are not just roles but functional elements of how intelligence and agency manifest:

Man provides the vivid, immediate representation.

Woman bridges and relates these representations.

Child holds the capacity to develop into either, symbolizing growth and possibility.

This triadic resolution organizes perception into a cohesive, interconnected whole, much like the loops of the f8k intertwine without breaking apart.

Resolving Peirce’s Problem with Nominalism

Peirce, a pragmatist philosopher, critiqued nominalism—the view that abstract concepts or universals (like “justice” or “beauty”) are merely names without real existence. He argued that such a perspective undermines the reality of general concepts, which he saw as essential to understanding and interacting with the world. In this triadic framework, the f8k offers a solution. By grounding meaning in a fundamental, recurring pattern:

The iconic (man) affirms the tangible reality of representations.

The indexical (woman) establishes real connections between them.

The symbolic (child) allows for the development of general, shared meanings.

This structure transcends nominalism by demonstrating that universals are not arbitrary labels but are rooted in the psyche’s intrinsic organization. The f8k, as the point of resolution, ensures that meaning is neither fragmented nor illusory but part of a real, triadic interplay.


Thus, the psyche, at its highest semantic resolution, resolves to the figure-eight knot—not as a limit but as its foundational form. The triad of man (iconic), woman (indexical), and child (symbolic) embodies this resolution, revealing how intelligence and agency function within the mind. By aligning with Peirce’s semiotics, this framework overcomes nominalism, affirming the reality of general concepts through their integration into the f8k. Far from a mere perceptual tool, the knot becomes the psyche’s deepest architecture, weaving consciousness, meaning, and reality into a unified, triadic whole.

1234 I had a reference to the follow-up question, but it shows the transcript, which may not be good. It has to do with seeing each moment of consciousness as a point-derivative at once the integral that we think of as our reality. Thus any derivative order on its own terms is static. Therefore the dynamic world has its own figure 8 knot as it has its own higher derivative orders for harmonic (overtones). It's the same figure 8 knot at any derivative order but only if the derivative is natural, namely point-derivative at once integral.

1239 I have come to the conclusion that the so-called unconscious is relevant only if we realize that the struction consists of consciousness constructs.

2321 Rescission.
Excellent legal term for cancellation of the woke mind virus, the totalitarian Leninist vanguard party, its banana courts lawfare and its junkie waste, zombie fraud and farcie abuse.

2345 Rescission is specifically not cancellation, namely the subversion and destruction of civilization. It is the restoration of civilization.

Continued at 0702 tomorrow, March 6

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