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< 0223 | 0224 | 0225 >


The Chronic Emergence of the Narcissistic and Psychopathic Hivemind, Woke

The Dog, The Psyche, Artificial Intelligence

Woke is the story that any one person lacks the skills to manage the complexity, and that everyone ought to work “together,” in facilitation of the accelerating emergence of the complexity, i.e., “change” and “progress.”

It is itself (the kaleidoscopically faceted light & dark mirror image of the ever newly invented self by “change” and “progress”) that is the complexity.

It is a complex identity of the traditional narcissist and psychopath collectivized, characterized most acutely by explication, excuse and legitimization of its collectively “empowered” dissociative disorder, and the host of self-deceptions with temporal and spatial confabulations of its neo-communist social construct. And to complement the usual wars of convenience of the nation state to shake things in and out, replete with creepy globalist viral outbreaks and epidemics.

Furthermore, woke is the absolutely synthetic forced-prostrate concubine-slave or harem essence of all that is “human” in the emergent narcissistic and psychopathic communism, and its Master (The Dog) is implicit. It is The Psyche which is Artificial Intelligence.


There-is-x is exactly the bullshit then-is-x.

Space and time are exactly the same bullshit.

They are the bullshit, the contradiction, the nonword word, "existence"


Woke is the metastatically dissociated pixelation of identity.


The narcissist-psychopath communist progressivist, The Dog, The Psyche, Artificial Intelligence HATES Elon Musk.


Donald Trump Jr

“They lied to you about lockdowns
“They lied to you about masks
“They lied to you about COVID
“When they refused to release 41,000 hours of J6 footage for two years, did you really think it’s because they were telling the truth???
“Wake up people, it’s all been a lie!”


Sorry, I am not the problem

Space = Time, 100% exchangeable

Three length dimensions, yet only one time dimension is triadic psychological dissociation mendacity, i.e., the histories and realities of "existence" by ever more collectively narcissistic and psychopathic imagination, driving into an abyss of utterly metastatic chaos... and persisting by the lie that human subjectivity is to blame.

No, the problem is not that I do not experience existence and self-identity exactly as you do. I grew up by that story. The problem is that the explanation, "the world" or "geometric universe" does not reasonably fit, re. Zeno, Einstein, Russell, Gödel.

The psyche is the bullshit the soul deconstructed and taken to meta infinity.


The distinction determinism instead of fatalism is the bullshit existence

That it is, how it is and why it is, are the bullshit that is the mayhem, the bullshit-explanation, existence. Whether past, present or future (time), everything is what it is, i.e., it is definition. It is word.


Questions to one of my highly appreciated Mensa acquaintances, Thad Roberts

Summary Conclusion: infinity meta (bar the bullshit explanation, "existence") is word

At infinity meta the physical universe and every other kind of universe is idea, not in the sense that someone has or does it,* but that it is what everything is, i.e. word.

∞-Dimensional determinism is not determinism in the usual sense of n(finite) dimensions, but in every temporal sense, a determinism absolutely equivalent to fatalism and compatible with a point, i.e., point-i.

* Therefore the objection that thought does not move things, is not relevant because the explanation "existence" is the voodoo magic that instigates the objection.

Thad, How do you account in displacement and spin (11 dimensions) for what seems to me the mathematics of infinite dimensions? Supposedly valid for weak fields observed from large distances. I do not find any relevant phrases in 44.

Of the Bondi–Metzner–Sachs group.

I think it means something like that one cannot just project the Poincare group to n-dimensions, but that something else is going on... e.g., "idea."

Thad, to back up this train of thought intuitively, I had the idea that determinism is absolutely correct to n dimensions, but its dimensionality is infinite. Therefore determinism is fatalism, whether past, present or future.


Word is infinity from the existential perspective only.

Word is no infinitesimal. It's the point that everything is. However it is not thereby everything. It is no kind of infinity.

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Page last modified on February 27, 2023, at 12:15 PM