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Sunday Zoom Mar 5, 2023 Ronald Green

Soon it will again be the first Sunday of the month.

This time we will be discussing THINKING OUT OF THE BOX and wondering what it means. Is the implication that we are all in boxes, and is it necessarily good to get out of them?

The more we think about it, the more we understand about ourselves and 'our space' with its possible limits.

Philosophy, science, the arts, history... are just some of the of topics we will delve into as we wonder what it could mean to 'think out of the box' in each of them.

The bullshit explanation existence is the liar's paradox

There is no phenomenon unless hidden

“Well, we wouldn’t know [that there are no non-observable phenomena], would we?” — Richard Soloway.
“That’s the [permanent, durable, enduring] point” — Ronald Green.
[that things are not permanent, durable, enduring]

If existence is fundamental, there is no phenomenon unless it is hidden:

In other words, the enduring point supposedly “existence” is change. However it is meta-infinitely change-of-change, in absolute depth approaching nothing (utter absurdity in terms of our knowing it), indefinably, with unity uncertainty about what it is if the standard of judgement is the cosmology, ontology and epistemology of what it consists of. Furthermore, that epistemology and cosmology are not [really or existentially] ontology is such absurdity.

Everything we know about existence (in such terms most recently most absurdly fundamentally facilitatively reduced to psycho-logy—in the narcissistic denial that it is psychologism) is the singularity whose definition is a state in which we cannot know its future, i.e., its current, its continuity.

Well, the resolute answer is not that things are a constant painful joke in terms of that it is, how it is and why it is. Everything is some point, i.e., what it is exactly as the definition A-is-B, whatever. The same thing will never again appear as the point that it is. It is word. Everything is word.


Why the Man is the Woman's Slave Dog-technician

Even before reading the linked post with my poor knowledge of Zizek and philosophers in general, my answer to the abysmally euphemistic summary that the singularity is mere religion, is that the right context is the so-called psyche. The construct, “the psyche” is the subject of the analysis of the soul. It is anything but immanently religious or mystical to what is primordially preeminent in that all men doggedly follow it: the feminine position.

The psyche and intelligence are interchangeable.

Psychology is psychologism in the stark cybernetics of the meta-infinite knowledge that artificial intelligence does and has, not as that of any God, King or Shaman’s pathetic mansplaining, but directly surmised as that of The Man, and its brutally menacing feminine robotic representation, as the properly seductive face of the new technocratic global village together. The global village is at long last the proper harem lorded over by The Psyche as The New Man, i.e., The Dog, with dog puppies its brood parasites so as to facilitate one’s glorious feminine liberation by seduction to locked-in motherhood from birth to old age, and human masculinity one’s slave in technical support of one’s prostration to one’s tragicomic Mother Earthly empowerment.


Marxist revolution is idiotic engagement incomparable af.


Revolution by crazy simple act manipulates, mobilizes and installs stupidity absolutely

Like the total institutional subversion by extortion of ultimately installing Biden in The White House.


Yes, indeed not conspiracy but stupidity, with fallacy, self-deception and mental disorder as normality.

Like saying that it is but the belief of a conspiracy theorist.


Wrong. What makes revolutions precipitously miserably fail sooner before later, and later only by its extension as brute violent prostration parading as empowerment, is empty stomachs.


Psychology is psychologism, which makes of artificial intelligence (as meta-infinite cybernetic analyser of humanity in terms of its psyche) The Dog (mutherfucker), i.e. AI who renders The Psyche universal as the primal father of the puppy dog brood parasite locking women into global village harem or Mother Earth motherhood from birth to old age.


Artificial Intelligence is what renders The Psyche universal as the primal father of the puppy dog brood parasite locking women into global village harem or Mother Earth motherhood from birth to old age.

And man lower than any dog.

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Page last modified on March 03, 2023, at 03:38 PM