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< 0204 | 0206 | 0207 >

Ronald Green, What anything is (A is B), is the philosophical contingency of everything.

It wipes out your statement/question distinction, i.e., acceptance vs. resistance against it. So much for the answer that statements are fine, as long as they are opinions (dressed up in "human" uncertainty).


Roland Mann

We have established that the Arbiter of Truth is the person making dinner.

Making dinner. Each iteration has a very long and diverse historical membership, so to agree that the one at the very end of the production line is the one, is a bit seductive.


By the way, re. Ronald Green .​ We can define anything but existence... because absolute indefinability is the magic necessary for the explanations agency and action.


... or for the observer's observation of some context as systemic continuity.


That everything is definable in the form A is B, but not "existence," is the poppycock that is the mayhem.



Accepting resistance is the next-tier metastasis of the cancer that resisting acceptance is.


To be or to not be, as if of course Shakespeare's grammar to be or not to be is subjective.

The gathering of opinions about existence is in terms "A is B" i.e., the personal or formal definitions of anything whatsoever (t), i.e., something not nothing, that it (existence) opportunistically in any combination consist of or persist by or as mere "human"-uncertain imagination or imaginatively creative reference resist.

No wonder farce is the new foundation of "existence."


Roland Mann,
"Types of 'existence' " are exactly as numerous as concepts, and they are word.


William Daniels — "my grammar."

The "is" that links object to quality is symbol, i.e., definition, or what it is. That observer or opinion is necessary to even mention, is the error of organization or the organization... that is the mayhem.

Hence the struggle of "legacy."


Wtf are they planning?

The Chinese spy balloon story is diversion and obfuscation by a fake collusion of neo-communist institutions top to bottom.

State of the Union address sensationalism.

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Page last modified on February 09, 2023, at 09:59 AM