Blog 23.02 |
re. Russell Brand 20230218 The profit for Biden knocking out the pipeline? Woke is artificial intelligence and artificial intelligence is China. The error “existence,” i.e., “The World” as particle/wave “mind” duality. The nonword word point that things are connected relatively in definition ...
Dualism is the error “Existence” in terms of the totalitarian enslavement of “The Subject” The System Water/molecule, wave/particle (superfluid/quantum), integral/differential, general/specific, group/individual, mind/matter and society/psyche are exactly the same error of dualism — because it is in terms of the ground dualism, nonword/word explanation, “existence” that such equivalences superfluously “work” and are systematically indexically normalized and iconically naturalized. The Work The subject(man)’s subjective mind and reason is set up to “work,” i.e., in terms of his abductive hypotheses, inductive testing and deductive falsification of thus “understanding” “existence” is the totality of what “existence” “consists” of and “persists” by. Abysmal Opportunism And in being as the uncertainty of chance, to be subject is to stand relative as consummately hidden (absent, absement), and thus a gaping abyss for fake interpretation, i.e., the brutal opportunism of the junkie fallacies of psychology, the zombie self-deceptions of the psyche and the crazie confusions of psychiatry — formally, and informally — the psychobabble of the “dialectic” discourse. Length and Time are Exactly the Same Error, Delusion and Insanity Hedonism: Lovism Going Meta Displacement, i.e., “geometry” or “physics” aided and abetted by “metaphysics” or any such superfluous crap of “atomic-or-quantum” “continuity,” is an absolute differential dimension of being in the past, i.e., absement. The necessity of mind for “existence” “consistence” and “persistence” is the subject virtually nullified by being indexically normalized and iconically naturalized as if nonword (non-symbol) as an anthropomorphic actor relativized by being riddled with the junkie-psychological fallacy, zombie-psychic self-deception and crazie-psychiatric insanity of his absemental so-called “subjectivity.” Such hateful metastatic brutality, like its predecessor, war, is impossible unless also mollified in a multiculturalism of empathetic hedonism, formerly sympathetic agapasticism (lovism). |