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< 0207 | 0208 | 0209 >


The Self is the redundancy that is the mayhem. And it is not my mayhem. It is the mayhem of a world of things that "exist" as the mindful, soulful or psychologistic projection of humans, via supposed human qualities, supposedly as junkies, zombies and psychotics increasingly to be kept safe because of things like their stupidity in the face of worldly “problematics.” Hence autocratic intelligence going on technocratic (artificial) intelligence.


The observer and its contextual world with things that supposedly only then define it as “system” with insufficient definition are by definition a function of the error, the nonword word, “existence,” (i.e., with function). System is a physical explanation, with relative position* as if not definition, of what definition is.

* Position. Where even the world outside humans consists of virtual observers with different facets of common things according to normal science in the way a universal system reacts only as if aware of its own relative surroundings, i.e., self-organizationally.


So, “the world” of “things” beyond definition is endlessly regressively indefinable. Therefore psychology insists on the closed system of the Self by soul or psyche supposedly containing world by way of “system.” The “physical” is itself definition, as thing, but it has relative position, hence the need (fake autocratic necessity) for the “metaphysical” and its need to be explained beyond definition, yes, infinitely so. The infinitesimal is the same bullshit. It is an “infinity.”

The tragic irony is that the diversity of definition is the continuity, to any dimensional order. That non-definitional explanation of definition is necessary, is the abysmal corruption of all definition. It is the corruption of all necessity.


Everything is definition, i.e., word.

Ronald Green (projected by problematics as a systematically observational intelligence with position beyond the cave) defines and maligns definition very narrowly as a fixed dictionary-type explanation and on that virtual battle ground virulently doubts any “A is B” (statement or question) as mere “human” opinion, saying the proper human subject’s position is uncertainty of the question what it is, but proper in the emergence of “that,” “how” and “why” it is (two very different definitions of “is,” yet the second supposedly, “A is” is also beyond definition). The answer that “transformation,” i.e., non-definition outside the Platonic Cave indefinably defines definition is an absolute inversion of what definition and continuity are. It is the corruption of the unity-necessary diversity of definition, the point of point-to-point, whether it is statement or question that is the continuity.

Everything is definition, i.e., word.


Ronald Green's denial of definition is ironic because he is also saying that the world is exclusively human, yet not because it is exceptionally symbolic, but because it is engaged in non-symbolic transformation.



  1. Time and space are absolutely interchangeable continuities and are definition.
  2. The derivative is the point that position is the corruption of, and we are not inside or outside it. It is definition.
  3. The derivative is definition A is B, i.e., word.
  4. The derivative is not integrated to form events or matter, it is what space or time and everything else are.
  5. The continuity of space or time is not implied by the derivative. It is the derivative (definition, word).
  6. Any extent of derivative order (relative hierarchy), even all of it is word.
  7. Everything is word.
  8. That any word or word as such is everything or nothing, is the error existence. That anything is everything or nothing, proverbially or literally, is the error existence.


The Cave in and as The World is the Abysmal Dualism of The Psyche


The psychologistic insistence that the indefinable (Form or noumenal) outside the cave qualifies definition (form or phenomenal) inside the cave is no lie, error, self-deception or psychosis whatsoever other than as the opportunistic autocratic (natural) intelligence or technocratic (artificial) intelligence of standing as the brutal violence of the bullshit that the infirmity of the self as other is responsible for it... via convenient effigies like the human soul or psyche.


Soth de Witan

Neither locked in, nor locked out.......and the supposed remedy is the very brutality we willingly inflict upon ourselves........being anything but what we are, and needing someone or something to blame for our predicament.

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Page last modified on February 11, 2023, at 08:55 AM