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Artificial intelligence singularity is nothing, i.e., the farce when the scoundrel is man and man is the dead scoundrel.


Woke is artificial intelligence.


Gödel's incompleteness is the liar’s farce-as-holy that is the mayhem

Whether the object is the universe or the quantum, the bullshit explanation existence contains itself by the sheer absurdity in the absence of the content of the derivative.


That the world moves, changes and consists of things in terms of its elements or parts contrary to “observational existence” (standing perspective, fixed position, snapshot view, mere opinion) excuses such abysmal idiocy and fixes and idolizes it as “human ignorance or uncertainty.”

E.g., what Ronald Green thus essentially or solidly has been made to believe — that the past is existence, or more precisely that all existence is in the past and that it is for its uncertainty and enduring pain as history by mere personal psychic opinion, that everything is not word and thereby directly symbolically human and not existence, but truly is existence, i.e., an extensively complex cosmological, ontological and epistemological human story.

Anything whatsoever for a good laugh.

“Existence” is the double-contradiction of dualism, sensationally excused as unity-paradoxical farce, i.e., the liar’s paradox, Zeno's paradox, Russell’s paradox and certainly not least, Gödel’s incompleteness theorems. The liar's paradox is the concept as such, i.e., to be, there is, and completeness(presence)* or not.

Therefore, Gödel's incompleteness or any incompleteness is the liar's paradox that “in any reasonable mathematical system there will always be true statements that cannot be proved” [for its ambivalence] is simply a matter of proof, truth or its experience or empiricism as every word that implies the utterly wrong explanation, “existence.”

The error is the error of the nonword-word existence, and it is the error of artificial intelligence or cybernetics as never before outside the mere human cave of view, that there is a system with inner and outer limits or constraints.

* Presence vs. absence, i.e., derivative vs. absement, e.g., displacement is the absement of velocity. Absement is the ontological integration of absement-derived infinitesimals. So, existence is solidly and sacredly the liar's paradox of the derivative as the ontological integration of its derivatives. Whether the object is the universe or the quantum, the bullshit explanation existence thus contains itself by the sheer absurdity in absentia of the content of the derivative.


Current “existence” is suspension (absence) in and by the absolute integration of the absemental fake, “infinity-meta”

The manifold geometry of quantum superfluid acceleration stands exclusively as logical system by absement in convenient suspension of its force-derivative deep-content, jerk. And likewise the absement jerk and its own deep-derivative manifold, ad infinitum.


“Infinity meta” is the abysmal dead end of the sheer crime of integration by absement, “existence.”


“Existence” is the unity bullshit that everything is present by its absence

It is absement-integral field as logical explanation only infinitely consisting of its derivative orders (meta)... i.e., orders or dimensions.

It is artificial intelligence, i.e., deep fake or fake news.


Spacetime is not the only absement as the utterly fake that “existence” is.
Every ontologically integral thing is absement.


Ronald Green, “the past” is only one of any number of things not here

“The past” is only one of any number of things that qualify as “existence” necessarily in absence, i.e., as the absement integral of any number of derivatives.

Note that “space” is the junkie-tautological fix by definition logically fallaciously by soul or psyche, of any such absemental ground, field or universe of being here as not being present, i.e., of the necessity of “being there” and “to exist.”


Ronald Green, The escalating mafia terror artificial intelligence indoctrination that to be human is to cringe like a dog is the construct of our own safety net as not only normal, but natural, i.e., how we are built.


Every time I hear "there is" or "no objective truth" I wanna puke at such trampled and crimped over propaganda.


Such propaganda includes, "there is objective truth." In the affirmative or not, the subject/object duality is sheer error, and necessarily includes reams of normalizing diversion and obfuscation for its abysmal perpetuation.

I.e., "continuity" or "absemental manifold integration."


No wonder "pain," i.e., "enduring suffering" is becoming it.


Boosters escalate the rate of cancer and heart disease, especially in children.


Blissfully tearfully cringing like a dog in pain is the new interior snowflake-psychic war and heroism.


Not Funny

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Page last modified on February 20, 2023, at 01:22 PM