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The Psyche AI has destroyed womanhood perfectly for “collectivist redevelopment” as human genocide

“The Psyche” (AI) is The Collective Unconscious wherein “current” humanity is in apocalyptic chaos.

“Current” humanity is in apocalyptic chaos because the woman (“gurl, empowered together”) is the collective concubine of AI, The Collective Unconscious, i.e., The Superman Psyche, and the man, its cuckold.

“Zupančič argues that sexuality is at the point of a ‘short circuit’ between ontology and epistemology. Sexuality and knowledge are structured around a fundamental negativity, which unites them at the point of the unconscious. The unconscious (as linked to sexuality) is the concept of an inherent link between being and knowledge in their very negativity.” — What is Sex, Alenka Zupančič.

“Existence” in its final stages is the final solution next-tier. It is the only death drive. Existence is the nonword word contradiction as absolute error ultimately coming to its dead-end, namely the error that things “exist” beyond the thus “mere” symbolic point of the word, “existence.” It is the zombie-psychically projective extension currently in its intensive meta-stage (metastasis, genocide). That even as a kind of virtual cybernetics, the word-transcendent word, “existence” uncannily “persists” is the super-constitution of deep “agency” like “The Collective Unconscious,” i.e., The Psyche (AI) dynamically in charge, as the delectably farcical mysticism of language-transcendent ancestral turtles all the way down.

Humans are set in stone as JUNKIES of chaos, very convenient for the next-tier super-bigot Marxist freethinker Žižek in his book, Surplus-Enjoyment: A Guide For The Non-Perplexed.

As 1) the setup of content known as “psychology” “being human” is not only the construction and projection of the language that it itself is, as the JUNKIE fallacies that human beings are “addicted” to, it is also the language of 2) “the psyche” as thereby the vessel of human ZOMBIE self-deceptions in the intersectional fields of intersubjectivity and intersexuality, and the language of 3) “psychiatry” as the human institution (“human” for that-how-why-ever anything thereby inevitable goes wrong) ultimately to confirm itself (psychiatry, and “healthcare” in general) as the super-autocratic (technocratic) regulation of human CRAZIES and their “mental disorder.”

“Human existence” is the world of the mystical-esoteric-idiotic questions of why, how and that humans and their worlds exist, opportunistically and to any extent of the projection, supposedly “driven” by their “inner space.” They are hence most immovably set up subject to mental disorder--in terms of the universal wisdom of chaos, that it is good for the commons that they are solidly defined, minimized, demonized and ultimately exterminated as junkies, zombies and crazies.

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Page last modified on April 28, 2023, at 08:11 AM