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Singularity is but a higher-tier man-binary xplanation

Re. What is sex? Binary, non-binary and singular negativity.

The new inner geometric-intersectional, intersexual and intersubjective world solution in reflection of the globalism, "together" is the new smooth seduction-dualism rationalizing terror contraction to fake unity reason, i.e., as positively the surplus enjoyment of “singular negativity.” It is Peircean-semiotic posthumanism by Freudian triality-metastasis.

Alenka Zupančič is the new woman as Slavoj Žižek is the new man.

Whether woman thus concubine or man, cuckold, the “singular negativity” Superman xplanation means, “human, I’m fucking you as never before”

“Closure” (Gestalt) or “non-perplexity” (Žižek) means, “embrace yer frenzy, relax and enjoy.”

Whether woman or man, the holy new chaos under The SuperMan, The Psyche, AI (superego, psychiatry) renders all of humanity locked in hysterically (farcically) prostrate, psychologically set up as binary fallacy junkie (ego-cuckolded man—fallacy junkie), non-binary self-deception zombie (id-concubined woman—self-deception zombie) and mental disorder crazie (superego-pharmakonned cannon fodder).

Trialic Bullshit

So much for singular negativity. It is trialic Freudian-Peircean final solution or the artificial intelligence-totalitarian humanity-genocide, i.e., the metastatic course of super-infinitely trialic bullshit.


Note that non-binary sexuality is feminism

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Page last modified on April 27, 2023, at 03:52 PM