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I am proposing that so-called "spirit," "soul" or "psyche" is the mythological nonsense of inter-something fields for the concept, "mind," (also mindfulness and mental health). Originally "spirit" is based on the false construct of gravity and other phenomena as markers for having invisible or hidden agents, e.g., like the primordial agent "pneuma" behind it. Thereby, as the story of the mythology goes (itself fictionally personified), they are forces for the autocratic opportunism of claiming control over lesser things. Yet everything is all language. The stories of our knowledge of the world (re. epistemology) and thereby our world (ontology) and existence (cosmology) are all invariably utterly self-contradictory nonsense.



Very relevant to the decimation of all that is human. I quote from a description at Amazon of the book, What is Sex, Alenka Zupančič.

“Zupančič argues that sexuality is at the point of a ‘short circuit’ between ontology and epistemology. Sexuality and knowledge are structured around a fundamental negativity, which unites them at the point of the unconscious. The unconscious (as linked to sexuality) is the concept of an inherent link between being and knowledge in their very negativity.”

This is an example of current politics destroying humanity, in driving many wedges between the sexes by reconstructing humanity (by indoctrinating women and children at their most vulnerable stages, i.e., pregnant women and very young children) from its binary nature to the multidimensional genders (gender fluidity) of the so-called "intersexual field"

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Page last modified on May 08, 2023, at 06:12 AM