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< 0413 | 0414 | 0417 >


Any school system actually pushing medical or psychiatric transgender identity is a pimp-run Mafia gang.

It has nothing to do with gender. It is not neutral. It is political terrorism and subversion of humanity to transhumanism. It is artificial intelligence. Children are susceptible to it exactly as they are susceptible to becoming a member of any gang.


The social concept gender is not American.
It is French-libertarian existentialist atrocity.

Humanity's Kafkaesque metamorphosis by Law into prostrated slavery to The Psyche.


The Inverted Bullshit of Peircean “Pragmatism”

Peirce associated his icon, index and symbol trichotomy with three kinds of facts: fact about an object, fact about two objects (relation) and fact about several objects (synthetic fact).

Peirce’s pragmatic association of FACT is the inversion of everything, in that everything is Symbol (word). What is synthetic is the abysmal error of spiritual dialectical synthesis (Hegel) and even far more the human evolutionary will to power (Nietzsche) are not mythological kinematics, but “actually” kinetic and dynamic.

Hence the Nietzschean world “drives” the evolution of The Psyche. The “natural” world of objects drive the human subject via the individual’s so-called, “personal” “mind” or “psyche.”

Hence the deluded Peircean pragmatism: “consider what [future] effects [as memory of past effects], which might have practical bearings, we conceive the object of our conceptions to have. Then, our conception of these effects is the whole of our conception of the object.”

The error is integral temporal continuity in terms of synthetic (non-symbolic iconic and indexical) derivatives, in which things have and do each other.


Why the lie that Trump is lying is a meta-continuous (magically complex) lie in an integral general landscape of lying

The horror of cybernetics, i.e., wizardly AI-technocracy is that the claim that its metastatic diversification as the dynamic interplay between ourselves (subject) and the world (object) is life-affirming Nietzschean revolution (backed by Hegelian dialectics), is the absolute lie by which progressivism is fake (continuously consists of lies).


No, you do not know more than Trump.

Your claim that you and the lying newsmedia you base your claim on knows more than Trump is deepfake by definition and is the permanent destruction of America and humanity.

The error is the idea that anyone knows at all and that knowing the higher complexity of derivative change (the bullshit, “meta”) is some kind of “spirit” or “natural evolutionary” grokking, i.e., you and your society, in following The Grok (Psyche), groks the world as more than a concept.


That we know at all, as the fundamental fact, is literally the farce of the synthesis of Nothing.


China's long-term imperialism parading short-term as pure benevolence is the greatest piece of white-mask dragon shit this world has ever seen.

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Page last modified on April 17, 2023, at 06:37 AM