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< 0331 | 0403 | 0404 >


Personality disorders are the social comorbidities of systematic ostracism by informal (psychobabbling) and formal (psychologistic) treatment.

The intersubjective playing field of existence by systematic ostracization of all humans includes multiple time dimensions, i.e., meta times, a.k.a., holy and unholy intelligence characterized most farcically as humanity riddled with 1) psychology as the junkie field of fallacy, 2) psyches as the zombie field of self-deception, and psychiatry as the crazie field of mental disorder.


Personality is the mirror of the self/other Ouija board

Personality is a humanity (instead of Fallen) as the self/other Ouija board for the so-called “functional” or “psychogenic” mental disorders (DSM to DSM-3-R), a terminology to thereby evolve as the “primary” mental disorders (DSM-4 and DSM-4-TR) and then as the “independent” mental disorders (DSM-5 and DSM-5-TR).

Personality Disorders are convenient to the supposedly wizardly technocracy and its female concubines and male cuckolds opportunistically to deny, minimize and demonize those who variously don't fit into the household.

The so-called “personality disorders” are “patterns” in thus psychopathic personality types (and to any extent also in normal and natural human personality) of rejecting the “togetherness” “empowerment” of the concubinary collective.

  1. Paranoid — delusional distrust and suspicion of the other
  2. Schizoid — active in a personal fantasy world with little interest in “the village.”
  3. Schizotypal personality disorder
  4. Antisocial personality disorder
  5. Borderline personality disorder
  6. Histrionic personality disorder
  7. Narcissistic personality disorder
  8. Avoidant personality disorder
  9. Dependent personality disorder
  10. Obsessive-compulsive personality disorder
  11. Personality change due to another medical condition#
  12. Other specified personality disorder and unspecified personality disorder


Terminology from DSM-III to DSM-V-TR


In X, personality necessarily is personality disorder, as what is present is what is not present

X — The nonword word “existence” of that, how and why as explanation of word.

Personality in terms of personality disorders is the social comorbidities of the systematically chronic indictment, diagnosis and ostracization of all humans (including “treatment”) necessarily to any level of human error or deficiency, i.e., thereby blamed on “normal” human “nature,” in terms of informal (psychobabbling) and formal (psychologistic) identification.

The intersubjective playing field of existence by systematic ostracization of all humans is a complex geometry that includes multiple time dimensions, i.e., meta times, a.k.a., holy and unholy intelligence characterized most farcically as a humanity riddled with 1) psychology as the junkie field of fallacy, 2) psyches as the zombie field of self-deception, and psychiatry as the crazie field of mental disorder.


Transgenderism is a transhumanist communist powerplay in the technocratically wizardly terms of The Psyche.

I.e., it is artificial intelligence and criminal globalist coalitions are organizing it. It is only a conspiracy if abysmal idiocy is conspiracy.


No one transgender personality is a threat.
LBGQTI is The Psyche as one of many absolute corruptions via the collective.


The Psyche is artificial intelligence cuckolding the man by chronically assaulting the woman.

Lacan and Derrida in the History of Psychoanalysis


Me Too

Existence as sexual assault, i.e., feminist speech facilitated with woke cries in revolution against "mansplaining," in emergence of The [Superman] Psyche, criminal Communism and AI.


The "empirical" Psyche must be dismantled.
Medicine is word.

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Page last modified on April 11, 2023, at 09:03 AM