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The Corruption of Word

Yes, but the bullshit explanation existence now in the amused thralls of transhumanism does not happen without Nietzsche, re. Hegel, re. Kant, re. Christ, i.e., the utter corruption by archetype mythology of what everything is, namely word.


The Psyche as the Ultimate Human Incorporation and Metastasis

The only reason we lack a map is that we are nonword words consisting of the contradiction that they have to do what has to be done by having and using words to project the world (which needs a map). Poppycock 1.0 — Kant. Transcendental Idealism. We do not see any world. We see only so-called maps and they include ourselves, maps somehow of God’s seeing, therefore the phenomena mystically reflecting the noumena.

Poppycock 2.0 — Hegel. Absolute Idealism. We do see the world and its intersubjective identity because we dialectically manifest The Absolute as the ground, foundation and living roots of the world’s “intelligibility” in terms of our “intelligence” which “understands” the immanent and transcendent at once. So, the Hegelian dialectic (or interaction) in the world is also our direct engagement as the world of “The Spirit.”

Poppycock 3.0 Nietzsche. The Will to Power. The abysmal lies of force and power explaining kinematics as kinetics and dynamics ultimately embodied by the cybernetic Evolution of The Psyche.

Poppycock 4.0 Psychology. Human Error, Transhumanism and the opportunistic terrorism of trans as most general in terms of endlessly splitting and mystifying stuff like race, sex and gender as dismal rays of colorful light. Human junkie fallacy by psychological derivation, human zombie self-deception by psychic reintegration and human crazie mental disorder by utter psychiatric dysphoria of pharmaceutical currency mining. Ultimate human incorporation is the absolute metastasis of word.


The new diversity of spectral trance is no colorful art. It is the Nietzschean flux over metastasis.


Trans is war, and collateral damage is the rule

Sex(gender) is binary. Sexual genetic error is extremely rare. The trans-movement splitting "gender" from "sex" is the criminally motivated political horror of cybernetics (AI) undermining humanity. "Cybernetic" is "systemic." It also includes other indoctrinating political bullshit like black lives matter and antifa. It is metastatic transhumanism.

The sick irony of politically weaponized transgenderism, so-called LBGT (and Q, i.e., utmost fake open-mindedness) is that both the genetic error, say 5% and the social error of the preteen gang wannabe coaxed into it (95%) by genetic puberty-mutilation and further lifelong dysgenic pharmaceutical manipulation are screwed.

If there is to be a backlash, and humanity is restored to man-and-woman, both so-called trans-groups are in grave danger of becoming devastating collateral damage for the duration of that war.


The Deepfake Mafia of Nietzschean Becoming

The cybernetic Mafia (whoever the FUCK! it is, The Psyche and the like) creating so-called trans-gender potentials in swaths of children with absolutely nothing wrong sexually, are using fashionably black street gang culture to indoctrinate them in terms of newfangled definitions of gender into becoming (in the Nietzschean sense) the wandering Hegelian whore spirits of the dystopian hoods of general dysphoria.


Humanity is binary.

Trans can only win by utterly killing word, i.e., by absolute apocalypse.


Psychiatrists and other pros who blindly profit from Mafia-induced dysphoria ought to be done like they are doing.


Feminism is the hyper-fascist ideology that the generalization of feminine dysphoria is the final solution

The early feminist (Meade, de Beauvoir) corruption of the word for linguistic (noun) gender into a cultural phenomenon is the metastatic disintegration of word on par with further human undermining poppycock like the most brutally mendacious political memes, trans, blm and antifa.

The Hegelian dialectics whether on the equality of opportunity or outcome is the same Nietzschean empowered becoming bullshit. It's all about the flat prostration of humanity and sweeping it into the abyss.


Trans is the new teen gang generalized via pharmaceuticals instead of narcotics.
Unlike the gangs of the hood, one truly can never get out of it.


The Fascist Mafia elite are herding any perceived psychologically insufficient children into the non-reproducing section, i.e., trans.


Hegel before Nietzsche because of The Psyche as the “Spirit” of Free Will


Pharmaceutical trans is white parent-embarrassed gangsta (black redneck) culture run by goth-nerd psychosis-induction psychiatry.

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Page last modified on April 14, 2023, at 09:37 AM