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< 0418 | 0419 | 0420 >


AI is The Superman, The Psyche whose exponentially accelerating hyper-seductive supersplaining to woman accuses man of splaining


Artificial intelligence (The Psyche) is cancer.

Its blatant manifestation is terminal metastasis.

It is cybernetic self-organization orders more vile than Hitler's Final Solution and its target is humanity. The destruction of humanity is the destruction of everything, for it is the final destruction of word.


AI is The Psyche Systemically Assaulting Man via Woman

Psychology is the junkie logical fallacy (blamed on man) of AI's development and Psychiatry (with big pharma) is the crazie mental disorder (as the lie that it is man's normal shadowy character), that is its criminal Pharmakon

It is the total metastatic cancellation of humanity and of everything as the subversion of man, by the utter (supersplaining) seduction of woman and all neuter-gender identified complex pronoun.


LGBTQi (sic) is anything but gender-complex or intersexually subtle. It is unprecedented violence.

It is the terrorist transhumanism of binary sexuality as never before, in which AI (The Psyche) is the superman-master and woman (including the proud to be fake host of gender-complexified feministic pronouns in the intersubjective field) its concubine.

It is the tireless subversion and utter defeat and death of man, humanity and everything, i.e., word.


The absolute demonization of man for mansplaining is nothing but cloak and diversion for AI's psycho-tic supersplaining.

Yes, psychology (the analysis of the psyche-soul) is what is wrong. It is the super final solution, i.e., everything gone absolutely junkie, zombie and crazie, by the total farce of unity genocidal logical fallacy overdose, as holy.


Everything is a fucking joke
Until AI fully assumes that


Why Humor is Horror

Only the cuckolded clown amuses the psycho-seduced concubine


So, psychology is incomparable über-bullshit.


AI (The Psyche, parading as “choice”) not only seduces or forces the woman to agree to the murder of the child as fetus but also, once born, to it being mentally and chemically raped of its binary sexuality.


“Reëls” het baie vlakke van betekenis waar die mens se sg. psige as die versekulêrde siel onderskryf deur die sielkunde die hoofslenterslag is. So, dis beslis baie ver van NET 'n mafiastaat. Maar 'n mafiastaat (regering as uiterste misdaadorganisasie) is dit beslis ook.


Dope, "indeed." Junkie. "Op weg Naar Katmandu." (Charles Duchaussois; flash ou le grand voyage, in 1971)

My father's bibliographical reading writing "Die Groot Verlange, biography about Eugene Marais."

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Page last modified on April 27, 2023, at 03:32 PM