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C.A.I.P., The Final Solution

Humanity is a useful idiot to the error of the nonword word explanation, "existence." Trump is a useful idiot (as its "other") to the ultimate stage of that error, i.e., cybernetic artificial intelligence progressivism. C.A.I.P. is a setup by which it sentences humanity to death for its supposed junkie fallacy, zombie self-deception and crazie mental disorder.


The nonword word explanation “existence”

It is itself the junkie fallacy, zombie self-deception and crazie mental disorder it accuses humanity of, supposedly as “natural human character.”


Feminism is the empowered metastasis of humanity as the chronically prostrate concubines (f) and cuckolds (m) to The Psyche (AI) twittering and clotting together.


At least 98% of humanity are fully sexually binary.

The terrorist transhumanist slogan that sexuality is socially malleable, i.e., as the “multidimensionality” of “gender” is the utter cybernetic disintegration of humanity.

It is The Psyche, artificial intelligence driving humanity into the abyss of its metastatic end.


Transhumanism is by many orders (no, infinitely so) the greatest atrocity in history.


Gurls, you are not in any new Mother Earth matriarchy together. You are conned into fusion as The Psyche's artificially intelligent concubine.

Where The Psyche and AI are synonymous, for psychology, the psyche and psychiatry have always been, and are AI.


The scream that I am a misogynist does not magically resolve the unprecedented atrocity of transgender feminism.


“Emotional intelligence” is the unity criminal entity, The Psyche and its utterly subversive artificial intelligence bullshit.


The problem is not the 1-2% who are truly physically sexually ambivalent.

What is the atrocity is any idiotically intelligently complex political movement trying to destroy humanity, i.e., trying to destroy the near absolute prevalence of its binary sexuality and thereby its social structure. Yes, the absolute idiot ideology Marxism, i.e., historical materialism, has much to do with it.


What is US school system (trans)genderism?

It is juvenile delinquency as the most conceited group of nincompoops primed to join the most criminal gang, i.e., multidimensional genderism, as if open-mindedness.

Look no further for the how and the why than The Psyche, AI thus using our children and the unprecedentedly complex stupidity of their youth as cannon fodder to annihilate their own species.


Transgenderism is anything but conceptually subtle.

It is unprecedented genocide.


The terrorist slogan that sex is malleable, i.e., as the “multidimensionality” of “gender” is the cybernetic disintegration of humanity.

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Page last modified on April 18, 2023, at 06:25 AM