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Everything is stories. Therefore the 3rd person story is the deepest level or highest resolution WORD.

3rd person directly correlates with symbol as 2nd person with index and 1st person with icon. The theory "existence" in terms of the psyche is the narcissistic and otherwise psychotic inversion and denial of everything.

I know this conclusion seems very wrong, but I think it will become clear in terms of the story existence itself, that existence is the myth that is the mayhem.


Everything (myth) is word
The ideal world is the only world, and it is word

Thad Roberts, The 3rd person world (telling — speaking, writing —stories to someone about someone) is the highest resolution world, i.e., 27d + 3t where 3rd person time is orthogonal to the plane of 1st and 2nd person time.

It encompasses not only jerk (2nd world) and snap (3rd world) explicitly, but crackle implicitly. Secondary imaginary worlds relative to the full third person Reality (3rd imaginary dimension or displacement, where 1st person real is the 1st) introduces crackle, pop and lock explicitly and drop implicitly.


The three dimensions of time

Talking to someone about someone is the highest resolution idealism, i.e., it is the 3rd person world of 27 spatial and 3 time dimensions.

If I as 1st person speak to a 2nd person (you, singular or plural) about a 3rd person (he, she, them, etc.), we are all 3rd persons in that 3rd person world of 27d+3t. If as 1st person I THINK about a 2nd person, we are both 2nd persons in that world of 9d+2t. Note that if I SPEAK to a 2nd person about themselves, due to them standing back looking at themselves, it is 3rd person. We are both in that 3rd person world. Okay, now here is rub. If I speak to myself about myself, whether 1-way or 2-way, I am also in a 3rd person world. But if I merely think about myself, again I am 2nd-person in the 2nd person world. From 1st person (1D) perspective in whose universe directly experientially acceleration is explicit and jerk is implicit, jerk is explicit and snap is implicit in the 2nd person’s (2D) universe [thinking about someone], while snap is explicit and crackle is implicit in the 3rd person’s (3D) universe [speaking about someone]. The nested structure, in terms of the third person (3D) depth or resolution is one of 27 (3^3) spatial dimensions and 3 time dimensions.


AI is trying to kill you.
Everything it does confirms it.

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Page last modified on September 08, 2023, at 05:06 AM