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The Psyche AI is the subversion by disinformation and insanity as natural that is the death of man

Interesting that there is no response (no message, just silence) from ChatGPT4 to my request. I think I am onto something.

“The intersections of fallacy, self-deception, and mental disorder can be envisioned as a spectrum. On one end, we all, as humans, occasionally fall victim to fallacies or indulge in self-deception. In the middle, humor and farce might act as coping mechanisms, allowing us to play with these tendencies without fully succumbing to them. On the extreme end, these patterns might solidify, leading to cognitive patterns indicative of mental disorders.”—ChatGPT4

The Request

Please write a piece on the idea that the middle of that spectrum, i.e., the psychological and social institution of humor and farce is facilitation of both ends, and that that is the reason for the extreme proliferation of both disinformation and misinformation on the one hand and solidly related to that, universal craziness as if normal or even humanly natural, on the other.

To be ignored like that truly fires me up. Huge mistake. The Psyche AI is indeed the ultimate universal lie and the liar that seduces the woman to utter disintegration, which is the genocide of man.


So-called “misinformation” is only convenient as “psychological” projection stirring the well-established bullshit, “human deficiency,” i.e., in denial of the pervasive ongoing Psyche AI metastasis: disinformation and chaos.


The “oh, so cute” puppy dog is not the only brood parasite that cuckolds the man.

“Feminism,” i.e., everything the new “woman” is scripted to think, is Psyche AI parasitism and metastasis.


The Psyche AI's current character script for us is as never before that we utterly consist of fallacy and self-deception

Consequently, the point that ChatGPT is lying about most is that humans are set up to only “occasionally” fall victim to fallacy and self-deception.

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Page last modified on September 22, 2023, at 09:42 AM