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Positions on lines of displacement are the bullshit that is the mayhem

The three third person time dimensions are exponentially (3^3, three to the power three) nested in twenty seven spatial dimensions, but no dimension is not time. It is a time-point, which is word. Its ontological and epistemological integration as existence and agency with points of view, i.e., perspectives or even “mere” opinions with “subjectivity,” are the bullshit that is the mayhem.

Every integrative theory in terms of meta, i.e., “integral life,” is the bullshit that is the mayhem.


Yes, idea is infinitely nested (3^n), but it is not someone's idea (about the world). It is word.


What everything is, is time, i.e., word.

“A is B” (what everything is) is not metaphor, where B carries A. It is that A is the category B. Such progression is infinite, i.e., open-ended. Points. It is time, which is word.

The integration of time in terms of space as if the latter is not time, is contrary to time. It is the questions that, how and why things are, which are the bullshit that is the mayhem.

Furthermore, time is word (A is B). Word is not time.


The secular explanation why anything is (at all), is deepfake bullshit

If the story were that word “exists,” sure, it would be category. But the notion that it exists is contradiction. Word is word. It is not the questions that, how and why of “it is,” other than as nonword word, which in terms of "existence" itself is indefinably (abysmally mystically) farcically more than what it is.


The only role the dud White House Biden/Harris has in the Ukraine, is for woke globalism to push it like a button controlling American weapons.


President Trump did not war.
So what is the Ukraine war?
Woke Psyche-AI globalism.

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Page last modified on September 08, 2023, at 05:38 AM