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It is only as third person that second person and first person are something.


3d=3t if Idea, not Existence

Eveything is word.

I am 1st or 2nd person only in name, i.e. 3rd person name.

The three third person time dimensions are first person spatial dimensions, i.e., 3d = 3D (3t) only if it is word.

First person (face or icon, will, appetite, Epithymetikon) is something only directly as the twenty-seven first person spatial and three first person time dimensions of the third person, i.e., it is something only directly as reason, i.e., symbol, word. The three third person time dimensions are the first person spatial dimensions.

The 1st person world is 3d. However, as primal or ground 1st person 3d is no space, it is a mere iconic timeline. It is 1t.

The 2nd person world is 9d. 9d is not a space consisting of the real 3d and imaginary 3d (d each 3d therefore 9d) geometry of their symmetric 1st and 2nd person epistemological realities. It is a mere timeplane. Re. flatland special relativity.

So, d, D and 2D are nonsense other than as 3D (3rdperson in 27d terms, i.e., in the terms that a person is a person only as 3rd person, in that what it is, encompasses 3rd, 2nd and 1st person). The person is a person exclusively in name.

Re. Plato’s tripartite soul, the conclusion is that everything is 3rd person, 3D and word. Appetite” and “spirit” are nothing other than the word that they are.

  • Reason (Logistikon) is 3D, symbol, i.e., 3rd person.
  • Spiritedness (Thymoides) is 2D, index, 2nd person.
  • Appetite (Epithymetikon) is 1D, icon, 1st person.


History (the epistemological past) is the Error that is the Mayhem

The error that some time (3rd person prime, 3t, 3D) is not time but space is the "timeline" (1st person prime, 3d+1t) error, i.e., the cosmology, ontology and epistemology contradiction, "existence."

The contradiction is that things are not principally things, but agents (subject of/about space) in time-as-line, yet "in" 3d (object, 3t, 3D) space.


Universal Space is The Bullshit

Spacetime as the split of displacement from time as "spatially" unique and in singular timeline "relationship" with time, is the abysmal relativity-contradiction "existence."


Fluid+ is metastatic putrefaction.


Spacetime 1st person rather than timespace 3rd person is the error that is the abyss.


What point-i is not, is believing by sensing.
The latter is contradiction, i.e., nonsense.
What it is, is the word that the symbol is.


Psychism is to psychology
Epistemology is to ontology.


9d + 2t is “relationship” spacetime “relativity,” i.e., indexical I/O “communication.”

The pinnacle of bullshit.

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Page last modified on September 08, 2023, at 05:20 AM