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< 0927 | 0928 | 0930 >


Even the conservative soul is already deeply trained woke — with farce facilitating fallacy and self-deception — as the so-called psyche.


“Change” is the new, next-tier conservatism.
It maintains the bullshit explanation, “existence.”
Therefore, its bigoted fundamentalism is next-tier idiocy.


Incompleteness, i.e., “change” is the error that is the mayhem

Roland Mann The error of the method (West) or practice (East), is that things are incomplete. Every kind of thing, not only physical objects. The idea that the alternative answer may be a method or practice of adding up points of view to some idealistic collective unit as if they are not things but parts (West) or part (East), is the same error.

Psychiatric qualifications like solipsism is the psychosis that is the mayhem only as the error that things are incomplete.

Projection of the indexical error of incompleteness into humans is not the only psychotic farce of fallacy and self-deception. Every coin of fallacy, self-deception and mental disorder fills the cup with emptiness.

The idea that words are not what they are but are signs for "existence" or that there are points of view, that is, of things geometrically (physically or abstractly) common to different subjective viewers, that can be added up to some more complete state in a world run by incompleteness, is the nonsense that is the mayhem.

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Page last modified on September 28, 2023, at 07:00 AM