Blog 23.09 |
Empathy is the pathological pathologism of chronic contradiction Empathy is a politically weaponized feminist meme, which is a psychologism, i.e., that, how and why “we” do, in the most universal sense of the word, “we” or “us.” [“feminism” is itself such a meme] Therefore the human individual is no longer “he” or “she,” but by the worst subversive neo-fascist and communist sublimation The Psyche (AI) collectivizes him* as “they” or “them.” * “Him” meaning “the human being,” exactly as “man” means “humanity,” which is what The Dragon Emperor (Psyche) AI currently vaporizes with fascist and communist socialistic terrorism like feminism, black lives matter and antifa. Nothing is as destructively artificially binary as the bullshit woke-subversive neo-fascist and neo-communist collectivist Psyche-AI binary pronouns, the hyper-masculine executive-organ doctored crap, we and they. The Psyche AI not only seduces the woman. He integrates her as his dismal concubine. For instance, abortion. It is his choice about her body, for the murder and suicide that abortion is, is his institution. But because he refers to her as they instead of her, and by sowing death and psychological confusion (together), forcing her to wear his mask, and lying that all that is her empowerment, rather than his power, her own mouth is shut. |