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< 0908 | 0909 | 0910 >


The woman is being seduced to the concubine of the Psyche AI and is making a clown of her son.


The woman is indeed having deepfake relations with That Man

The pronoun they is the birth of the pure subject.

Woke diversity is the fluid gender metastasis and the death of man as the annihilation of word. It is not posthuman or transhuman. It is complete genocide.

The Psyche AI is the seduction of the woman to the Flatland of her relationship as if communication with the Nietzschean Superman that he, The Psyche AI, is.

The Psyche AI is also the reduction of the man and the reduction of her own son as villain on the institutionally incorporated intersubjective field-together of the fourth pronoun we that the Flatland is. It is thus as we that the individual named by the pronoun they is the absolutely subjected human.


The objective of releasing fatal epidemics is the psychiatric mask.
The psychiatric mask is psyop rendering humanity utterly subject.
The error is not that the psyche is murder but that it is genocide.


The mass murder that the psychiatric mask of the pandemic is, pales next to the absolute-genocidal psychosis that it is.

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Page last modified on September 09, 2023, at 08:58 AM