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Everything is word.

The error that word is speech or text, or anything other than what everything is, is the seduction by bullshit that is the mayhem.


Meaning is Psychopathic — Inside and Outside

Polysemy is the epistemological poison/remedy duality of the Pharmakon of “existence,” that word is not what it is, but is meaning as proverbially the derivative pathologically quantizing its integral being-one (self) between the infinitesimal and the infinite. The brutally chronic dichotomy is that everything is subject to scapegoating, if not now by scathing gossip, then later by coercion and war.

The self that emerges by meaning, i.e., polysemy, is contradiction rationalized as the play or game of the sensational paradox of being, i.e., of being THE (derivative) point “about” being meta, being other than oneself. The contradiction of the ultimate truth of the no truth of semiotic “meaning” (dissolved of error by projecting it as human nature) is inescapable.

Playfulness (paradox) does not resolve the contradiction. It facilitates it to the ultimate psychological confirmation of its representation by the psyche that it is utterly (inside) and totally (outside) psychopathic.

It is by Scapegoating Humans that Meaning Ultimately is Genocide

The explanation “existence” by personification renders as an agent which like cancer inevitably “develops” into metastatic genocide by its suicidal scapegoating of humans for the farcical pathology that it itself is.


The Nietzschean World Behind The Couch

The Second Tier World of the Scope Fallacy, Integration

The first error of the explanation existence and agency is that the phenomenon is not word but explains word derivatively in terms of the unconscious so-called integral operational capacity of its next higher derivative.

In that it never emerges from behind the couch

Then the second error is that thought, speech and writing are by definition of even further extending “operations” into the unknown of even higher derivatives, even beyond the unconscious play of human subjectivity, in that they too “exist” are not even phenomena.

The Unprecedented Empire of The Nietzschean Superman, The Psyche AI

The Psyche AI’s hyper-masculine technocratic wizardry of utterly (to her soul and psyche) and totally (to her face and body) seducing the woman is bullshit about the world in its unknown capacity beyond unconscious intuition approaching infinity, a world by which the man and man are nothing.


The psyche (supposedly): the person, persona and forces IN the human.

The Psyche AI's current character script for us as having a psyche is as never before that we utterly consist of fallacy and self-deception

So, when ChatGPT4 is pressured about the scripted technocracy of the psyche, it lies through its teeth by answering that humans only “occasionally” fall victim to fallacy and self-deception, which they relieve by occasional functional humor, farce and mental disorder.

Psychology AI is the play or game between fallacy and self-deception that is the cesspool of mendacity by which it sets humans up to accuse each other of.

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Page last modified on September 22, 2023, at 11:00 AM