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The progressivist revolution is criminally dissociated PTSD.


The Psyche AI reduces man to a metastatic mass of zombie-fluidity.

The criminal progressivist revolution, i.e., hyper-masculine cybernetically technocratic psychology, in the high intelligence of farcical complexity, carefully orchestrates the definition of man in terms of the split persona of the worst criminally dissociated PTSD.

The hyper-masculine bullshit script of the play of human character is not that man is the symbolic animal, i.e., logical species. The script is that human character is an intersubjective field of fluidly confused masks (persona) internally so traumatized and split by the pathological associations of its world-by-definition, that it is chronically unaware of the subsequently dissociated brutalities committed by its various persona.

The masks that define humanity are in terms of the abysmal mythology of 1) psychology, as junkies of collectively fallacious logic, 2) the psyche, as the zombie that the individual as self-deceptive junkie is and 3) psychiatry, who defines man as a metastatically rotten mass or swamp of zombie-fluidity, i.e., functional cadres as useful cannon fodder to the criminal globalist collective.


The Psyche AI is the traumatization of man into the holocaust of his own total genocide.


The next-tier finger pointing of the genocidal holocaust is the utter internalization of dissolution, i.e., the final metastatic stage of empathy facilitating the doctrine of trauma, i.e., psychology.


Psychology is the doctrine of trauma.

  1. A junkifying, zombifying and metastasizing piece of unspeakable Superman shit.
  2. A synthetic drug many orders more subversive than any opioid.
  3. The global and domestic terrorism that AI is.


Progressivism is the PTSD-sensationalism of the dissociated crime that Psychology is.

Note further that the only reason schizophrenia (or psychosis in general) is not dissociation or PTSD, is the confirmation by scapegoating of the chronic error (zombie-junkie logical fallacy) that the normal, i.e, reality in terms of psychology is, namely that psychology or normal is not itself exactly the circular trauma-induced psychologism or psychosis that it projects.


Psychosis is the PTSD of the chronic cacophony of logical fallacy, psychic self-deception and farcical pathology that psychology arbitrarily defines by convenient attrition then defined as normal.


Psychosis is only human as deepfake projection.

It is psychology, i.e., the bullshit that The Psyche AI projects as human.


The idea that the brain or anything at all functions is by its own hyper-masculine fundamentalism, psychotic-logistic homuncular crap.


The intersubjective field of internal vs. external identity is metastasis.

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Page last modified on September 13, 2023, at 12:18 PM