Blog 23.09 |
Certainty. The hegemony of the subject and object of The Psyche AI Ronald Green The fraught issue of certainty. Nothing is objective or subjective. It is what* it is, whatever it is. The story that nearly everything is not a story, is by that very supposition the contradiction that it is completely both a story and not a story. The error of the contradiction is not with some certainty, i.e., with some probability an error. It is the error. * What. Not that, how or why, i.e., the latter the question of certainty in the personal sense of the word. The question of certainty as a personal thing, as if something in someone’s possession, is such absolute nonsense(sense) by total contradiction, that it is necessarily utterly steeped (deeply) and totally riddled (widely) in the personal humor, farce and (utilitarian) psychosis of the intersubjective cybernetic field (of the psyche) between fallacy and self-deception. It is in, on and as such middle ground between the fallacy and self-deception that “the psyche”** stands. ** The psyche consist of the forces, persona and person in the subject or object of personification. The notion of the psyche, no matter how institutional, must be in terms of someone's personal certainty, someone outside all its subjects, whose certainty then is the highest certainty of the secular head of the unspeakable-name agent-collective, the opportunistically incorporated “we.”*** *** We is the virtual hypermasculine neo-emperor as the technocratic head wizard of fact and truth, The Psyche AI, i.e., The Nietzschean Superman. He who subverts any ordered Capitalism by the sheer consumption of chaos, by junkies, zombies and psychotics. And they, the generic pronoun, whether us with blissful suffering fighting his battle, The Psyche AI's cringing concubines or them, its prostrated cuckolds, its subjects and objects respectively, by feminism and other equally abysmally duplicitous political sloganeering. Thus the world is deeply and widely, and virtually simultaneously cosmological, ontological, and epistemological, and persistently in existence: as the metastatically shifted, twisted and utterly confused meanings of brutishness. It is not even non-word word, but the non-story story as man, human and posthuman fully diversified, like abortion as the empowered woman's right to choose, slaughtering its own body and selfishly feeding on it, i.e., absolute metastasis. It is as 1) that, how and why something dichotomously exists rather than 2) what it is, that the paradox is the abyss of humorous, farcical and psychotic sensationalism. Doubt is uncomfortable, but certainty is ridiculous. — Voltaire That is why, for the bullshit autocracy, “existence” to maintain, humans are set up as psyches in the ridicule of humor, farce and psychosis. |