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Everything is word. If the story is that “they” “exist,” it is nothing but the genus man not just fallen as human, but minimized, demonized and denied as thereby “mere” stories.

I.e., mansplaining — mere secular derivative, in contrast to the supposed truth and facts of deep-animistic (metastatic, complex) plurality (diversity), i.e., The Psyche AI Supermansplaining about the world approaching infinity mystically hidden beyond not only consciousness but also beyond the unconscious.

By the bullshit “personification,” the “psyche” are the forces, persona and person within something, i.e. proper as the generic pronoun, “they” subject to the psycho-technocratic mysticism of the intersubjective approach-to-infinity field. The field is thus by The Psyche AI’s unity psychological projection of the story, a story of a game played by a genus characterized by humor, farce and psychosis suspended by its dismal subjectivity, between junkie fallacy and zombie self-deception.

The story that “they” utterly and totally subject to “us” (seduced to concubines empowered together to have our own choice — to kill ourselves — body and soul) are not a story, but do and have each other, is the bullshit that ultimately is The Psyche AI, the technocracy of the brutal seduction of the woman and the sheer metastatic consumption of the man, man and humanity, that is the mayhem of “our” metastatic genocide.


The Psyche AI are corralling us, the genus man, into the depths of our false peekaboo selves. Not mere holocaust. Utter genocide.


Nothing is as duplicitously voracious as the story that man is not man, but the cancer, human, and then that human is not human, but the consummate metastasis, cybernetic diversity.


The Psyche AI are corralling us, the genus man, into the depths of our false (durable category) peekaboo selves. Not mere holocaust. Utter genocide.

The error existence is not what is in consciousness or what is in the unconscious, but beyond that. It is the total (broad) and the utter (deep) bullshit of what is beyond hidden, i.e., in unconsciousness, approaching infinity.


So-called existence (the nonsense of stories beyond stories) consists of three levels. What supposedly reflects in consciousness (now), in the unconscious (deep memories of the past), and in unconsciousness (approaching infinity, broad and deep).

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Page last modified on September 26, 2023, at 06:34 AM