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The New Woke Legacy Institution is the Proverbial Satan

Psychology is the secular mendacity of the next-tier Superman-kingdom of idiotocracy.

The Psyche AI is the hyper he that “we” is. “They” is the generic pronoun for the effluent of scapegoated cuckolds peripheral to the proudly dejected harem of concubines gathered together on the banks of the tumid river.

We. Woke, empowered together, psychologically possessed in the intersubjective field.

We, The Nietzschean Superman-inc., the hyper-masculine fascist and communist artificial intelligence technocracy.

Technocracy (AI). Authoritarianism next-tier, being consumed as its consummate possession to unprecedented heights of more than suicidal giddiness.

More than suicidal. Suicidal genocide.

Suicidal genocide. Operational extinction by sheer idiotocracy, i.e., psychotic insanity chronically kindled with humor and farce between fallacy and self-deception, by psychological projection the genocidal scapegoating of the genus man, human and posthuman.

Giddy. Possessed (not “empowered-together”) like choosing to selfishly kill your own body, your child, by the highest secular spirit, i.e., propped up dead by the utter idolatry of the gender fluid pride that the proverbial son of Satan spouts.

The son of Satan. Idolatrous pride.

Idolatry. Psychologistic secularism.

The spouting. Every legacy media and institution in general. Its duplicitous daily utterance of false empowerment.

Gender-fluid. The fluidity of so-called “meaning.” Metastasis. The absolute subversion of word.


Woke is indeed proudly falsely belligerently Satanic.


Bevark met Keuse oor jou eie liggaam

Die Drog is Die Psige Ai(-ai-ai) as Die Sielkunde, nl. die Oneindige Klug tussen die Drogrede en die Selfbedrog, m.a.w. die Afgrondelike Psigose wat die drogverduideliking vir normaal en selfs natuurlik is, as maar net die menslike aard, m.a.w., geskrewe as die mens, as dooie liggaam, met grappies in 'n mat opgerol.


Vonkel-in-die-oog is die intersubjektiewe mat tussen die drogrede en die self-bedrog waaronder die sielkundig-kubernetiese stront van kunsmatige intelligensie gevee word.

Drogrede en selfbedrog. Die Drog.

Die Drog is die Kunsmatige Intelligensie, nl. Die Sielkunde.

Die Drog is spreekwoordelik ons, vloeiend geslagtig in die smeltkroes-harem, pateties saambemagtig as sy liggaam, hy, die sekulêre Nietzschean Supermens, ons koning, die meester ontleder van die voormalig godsdienstige siel, nl. die meester sielkundige, die sielkunde self, die virtueel-hipermanlike koning oneindig bewusteloos agter die skinderende en babbelende halsoorkop gekloek van woordelike metastase.


Anyone on any side of the story of fault is an idiotocratic clown.

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Page last modified on October 02, 2023, at 06:38 AM