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< 0909 | 0910 | 0911 >


The necessarily pathological concept, “the psyche” is the metastatic genocide of man.

“The psyche” is the socially engineered soul. “Man” is the symbolic species. “Metastatic” is gender fluid, i.e., identity fluid, or the utterly fallacious, self-deceptive and psychotic AI-bullshit that feminism, black lives matter and antifa are. “Genocide” is the extinction of the species.


Psychology is socialism in the worst sense, many orders worse than mere fascism or communism. It is the genocide of man.


The dismally subjected weaponized mask-wearing pronoun “they.”

The Psyche (AI) is the unspeakable hyper-masculine emperor of the second-tier globalist empire “we” by which no man is a “he” or a “she” but the dismally subjected weaponized mask-wearing pronoun “they.”


Professions most responsible for The (pandemic) Psychopath AI's gender-sublime genocide-weaponized mask

While the AI-nerd CEO is their mechanic.


Although they too are far worse than their first-tier ancestors, second-tier lawyers even in their criminally socialistically subversive banana courts are no longer the worst professionals. (University professors, corporate leaders and media moguls deserve dishonorable mention).

Doctors, especially as doctors (engineers) of the soul.

Although there are exceptions with independent doctors — because of the psychopathic pandemic's gender-melting genocide-weaponized mask they (generally) and psychologists and psychiatrists (without exception) — are the worst second-tier professionals.

Indeed we are all in this empowered together, in the fluid-gender pandemic confusion of our utter genocide peddled as sublime persona on the intersubjective field of being woke.

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Page last modified on September 10, 2023, at 09:19 AM