Today: Nov 21, 2024 Blog | Word | Books
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.01 Black Lives Matter is anything but black tactics, tactics behind saying the white man is the problem in need of the final solution. No. It's the new cotton pickin' crop on the technocrat plantation and black backs and others are massively seduced into it. No longer jesus or the prophet, but psychologism, the new brilliant fundamentalistic idiot atrocity of sparking every possible kind of victimhood, conveniently to switch attack from every front between them, each thinking they are now running the ecstatic transference of the intersubjective fields of love and war, the deepest state in mlk's content of character: the fields of fallacies, self-deceptions and mental disorders, where junkies, zombies and crazies are made, brilliantly at work. I cannot know for certain that I am not one of them. No one can. But at least I am trying to seriously mine the pervasive bullshit coming down as if it is the manna from heaven. .02 The implication is naive because it is the literal, shallow interpretation of what Black Lives Matter is, or means. No one is naive, by race, sex or orientation. Naivete (deep state idiocy escalation, word metastasis) is the universal error that we and other things are not only the point, motion and word existence, but do and have the why and how explanations for existence (which are the bullshit). Any explanation beyond what something is, as if it is mindfulness, is the bullshit that minimizes and demonizes all of word and man to infinitesimal (and personal individual or group character to zero, and by such contradictory conceit, to holiness), that we own our existence by doing and having it, in other words, by being (integral existence), i.e., by also existing. .03 .04 Mommy Kamala to the rescue. .05 .06