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20201011-SideBar edit | Calendar edit Recent Changes: Blog | Word | Books Notes & Formats. >>frame bgcolor=#303030 color=gray border=gray<< >>width=525px<< | Indent: >>width=505px margin-left=15px<< |
.01 Yesterday's 20201010.01 edit. Yes, only male agency can save the west, or indeed any kind of civilization, as standing temporary phenomena or chronic emergency by law and militia with truth before face reciprocity. Such institutional and constitutional ontology (how, why and what existence is, as such) of integral relational truth by element (set theory) and property (character content theory) necessarily is emergent (alive), i.e., evolutionary and eugenic. However, everything is motion and motion is never not now, point. If point is now, nothing is integral: inside now or outside now (relative to now, or to any meaning). Everything that is anything is meaning itself, now, and therefore word. Action (dynamics) and change (evolution and revolution) are error for its supposed prepositional transcendance of word. Everything is word meaning. So, the notion of male agency is already one of the corrupted elements of The Fall as deep ontological paradigm by which woman was split from Man and not man or woman is Man, but is human. What is happening now (as the error that things 'progress' or 'evolve') is that such corruption is not seen for what it is, but is being corrupted further, like metastasis, terminally. As the first tier of the error is The Fall, it is second tier, and is The Abyss. No longer is human proverbial man/woman by the ecstacies of love and war in 'productively' antagonistic synthesis of man vs. man for the male right to produce and reproduce, but is LBGT+ at war against man and humanity, i.e., hedonistically posthuman. That is what 'male agency' faces. And such responsibility is as usual, as all action is, emergentive and does not solve the truly universally metastatic extension in subversion of motion, word and meaning that is the problem. .02 That things are in action, or that they 'progress' or 'evolve' is error and corruption not seen for what it is, but is further resolved as the same error and corruption of word, like metastasis, terminally. As the first tier of the error is The Fall, political correctness and social justice are the second tier, and which is The Abyss. No longer is human proverbial man/woman by the ecstasies of love and war in 'productively' antagonistic synthesis of man vs. man for the male right to produce and reproduce It is LBGT+ at war against man and humanity, i.e., as hedonistically posthuman. .03 Everything is analog. No wave consists of molecules and no molecule consists of waves .04 Conscious experience (mind) is emotion first (posthuman mask usurping human face before truth). Such new mind of (alternative) facts is the feelings of emotions selectively enumerated as the new religion of psycho-logistic dictates. It is the Newspeak of authoritarian opportunism ('leadership') by deliberately esoteric technocratic obfuscation and hence, blissful confusion, none more convoluted than that of leadership itself. Psychologism: shorthand for n-order logic, the 'intuitive' content of character in persons or personifications. .05 Character content is the fake outside/inside fluid that anything is as integral wave. .06 The holy word that word, and man, who has it, are profane, is the only profanity. The 'nature' of such fluid is the new esotericism, the holy mystical obfuscation, the global confusion ripe pickings for technocratic superman opportunism. .07 Wave-particle duality is no more contradiction than visible-hidden or begin-end. The end of everything is utter error. It is the self-fulfilling prophecy of the universal contradiction that existence is nonsense or non-word. It is the abyss of word utterly cancelling itself out. .08 The Chinese Dragon is no longer face before truth but mask before face before truth.
.09 Nothing is as duplicitous as the new leadership. The new leadership is posthuman, namely the utter integration of the error that word is not man, but human. The Word is with God, the Word is God. Not so far from the truth if 'God' (or 'Man') is 'Meaning', except that it slips in sheer Faith (linear uiune, planar biune and voluminous triune farce) as rationalizations for integral existence and as open licence for the endlessly bullshit questions how and why exclusively as explanation for existential creation and purpose as such. It is the concretization of agency by shamanic authoritarian terrorism (petrification). The ensuing point is really tedious, but without explanation for God's existence, God or super-dimensionally virtually infinite infinitesimal fluid (superfluid) like all 'agency' or 'action' (n-order logic in terms of spirit-psychedelic first order logic) is superfluous. It does not explain existence as such whatsoever. It is but the quantum-enrichment of bullshit, i.e., the most naive pharmaceutically engineered psychologistic prostration as the Newspeak empowerment of technocracy and force. .10 Quote from the internet: "In logic, if you can proof an absurdity you can proof anything. In practice, if you can make someone believe an absurdity, you can make them do anything." .11 The holy word that word, and man, who has it, are profane, is the only profanity. That which, until it is given utterance, cannot in any sense be anticipated?