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Concept and Object (Frege)
A paraconsistent logic is an attempt at a logical system to deal with contradictions in a discriminating way. Alternatively, paraconsistent logic is the subfield of logic that is concerned with studying and developing paraconsistent (or "inconsistency-tolerant") systems of logic. A logic is paraconsistent iff its logical consequence relation (⊨, either semantic or proof theoretic) is not explosive. Paraconsistency is a property of a consequence relation. .03 Consistency is the cancer assaulting word as paraconsistency is the metastasis. Re. Umberto Eco. Consistency is the cancer assaulting word as paraconsistency is the metastasis. The root contradiction is that Heraclitus' men and rivers are crossing each others' paths, so they must be the same men and rivers. Yet, 'in' the consistency of things crossing each other they have constitutions by which they are never the same as manifestation of fundamentalistic physical spacetime, not whatsoever. In other words, the axes and planes of contradiction vis-a-vis consistency are that the text 'has meaning' or supports 'interpretations', namely that it (via the 'interpreter') has x) only one possible meaning or y) any meaning whatsoever. The plot thickens with paraconsistency—where the fundamental object is logical consequence relation. .04
.05 Point-motion. The infinitesimal (or 'event') is the contradiction that is the mayhem, from Heraclitus and Zeno to Russell and Gödel. .06 The ideas instance and there is (or not) are the same abysmal error. .07 Part of any wave as 'the wave' and molecule to medium are both analog curvature. Point motion is point derivative, which is analog curvature. .08 Digital events (synthesis), vs analog differences (point) is deep state disorder.
.09 Any explanation that means to exist is existence-denying digital synthesis, i.e., AI.