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.01 Everything is Word. Psychology is the abyss that meaning is not the point, but that man is the target, and thereby that any man who insists that meaning is the point, is the target. Meaning is man. The Fall (that man is not man but human, whereby the error that meaning is not meaning but knowledge) is like cancer attacking word, and word is what everything is. But to the cancer such corruption is insufficient. The white light abyss is the infinite stupidity that logically follows the mythology of The Fall. That knowledge is not knowledge, but nothing, and human is not human, but posthuman. .02 The inevitable conclusion of science logic is the utter subversion and disintegration of meaning. The normalized and naturalized concept, 'Science' is the synthesist artifice that word (everything, i.e., meaning, which is man) is mere reference to knowledge that 'exists' in infinitesimal derivative or quantum-hydraulic integrals inside and outside word identity now or this, instead of the truth that everything is now or this: as point-motion differential, word and man. It is insufficient to such total cancer (the Zeno-paradoxical* notion, space-and-time as enablement of the notion 'action' (in spacetime), the magical points-integration that man is not man, and not even pathetically human (error), but posthuman (nothing). The inevitable conclusion of science logic is the utter subversion of word and man. Such ultimate subversion is that everything is nothing (farce) as the infinitely feely ocean (of emotion), and that it is what is holy (sic). * Zeno-paradox, easy to understand** but invariably Gödel-inconsistent with any explanation why or how, i.e., the absolute error of 'the world' supposedly beyond now (now: the point identity motion, i.e., word). ** Standing under: being subject (slave***). *** Slave (to autocratic knowledge or technocratic nothing): self-deceiving zombie, fallacy-riddled junkie and mentally disorderly crazie. .03 Science is escalating, riddled with psychologism's oceanic emotionalism, 'progress'. The oceanic emotionalism, 'progress': Jung moved away from Freud (psychoanalysis) lured by the idea of “totality” “made up of consciousness and the infinite ocean of the soul on which it floats.” .04 THE ABYSS Jung or the chronic escalation of science as psychologism's oceanic feeling-emotion ‘progressivism’ is the abyss. Mind or consciousness as mindfulness or ‘the oceanic feeling’ is that for which Jung moved away from Freudian psychoanalysis namely lured down the garden path by the idea of “totality” (re. ‘keeping you safe, together’) made up of consciousness and the infinite ocean of the soul on which it floats.” Or swimmingly euphorically in over our heads. It is not humanity that is infinitely stupid, what is infinitely stupid is the idea of existence not only just beyond the point that now or any word is, but infinitely so, as existentially integral to its inside and outside… ‘in’ which things thus ‘exist’. .05 As Freud is human, Jung is posthuman. .06 That everything is ‘in’ existence, is ultimately that it is not existence. .07 That things are in existence is the stupidity-scapegoating bullshit ‘infinity’ .08 The bullshit that things exist is ‘being’ (fucked) in every way. .09 ‘Things exist’ is the omni-paradoxical oceanic bullshit infinity, soul and mindfulness. The oceanic bullshit is that 'existence' is that which is infinitely inward and outward, and is the esoteric mysticisms, soul and mindfulness/consciousness. .10 We or some universe is no more in each other than dimensions are in each other. Holonism is bullshit What about Jung who advised us to look into our dark shadow in order to step into our golden shadow, and thus achieve the power of what we really are? And conversely what if discovery is invariably looking into that which is still in the dark? My conclusion is positive. It is that whatever meaning is, is exactly what it is, as it is that, and not forever the itching of some mystical beyond, as if THAT is the real reality. What something is, is the point-motion that it is at any differential order. The idea that it is not, but is the problem is its chronic corruption, and is the very definition of problem. So-called progressivism steps up one level in the mythology of frankly narcissistic focus on the self as oceanic subject, and presumes to have transcended the god-complex of the previous stage. The bullshit that things exist is ‘being’ (fucked) in every way. The bullshit that things exist is ‘being’ (fucked) in every way, and its disruptive progress is relentless, like metastasis. The chronic universes of points-beyond-point are infinitely slippery variable direction in terms of paradox as if one is the holy embodiment of some sacred totality. Existence beyond the point that motion is, or the integration of the derivative concept as what things are in, or what is in things, every single point at any resolution having and doing each other, is the sheer opportunism and duplicity of the 'person' always capable of having it both ways, with the adversarial funk of synthesis (artificial intelligence) as if it is not antagonism, but antithetical progress. Real existence by definition 'beyond' now, by the infinitesimal universe of fundamentalized intrareaction or infinite universe of generalized interreaction, is the Nietzschean Superman delusions of power and even worse, for its rationalization is explicitly that it is 'together', the Jungian unity oceanic delusions of empowerment.