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.01 The Deep State* opportunistically consists of both fascism and communism. * The Deep State: Fascism x communism. When the state, including corporate monopolies, dominates man. Oligarchy. Statism. .02 So, if .i is the non-force* difference** Peirce, Rand and Danelaw, what is Žižek? * Non-force difference.** Zeno-difference. Gödel-difference. Point-difference. Non-integrational difference. ** Difference: The difference that the analog 'A is B' is. i (not I, me and myself), point-difference (not actual dimension or infinitesimal derivative) motion (not 'emotion' or 'progress'), time [now] (not actual period of time and not actual space) word (not real vs. abstract sign or reference, or mind, consciousness or mindfulness) and man (not human or posthuman). .03 Is Žižek farce-holy* psychologism? * Farce-holy. Holism, yes. But laughing at oneself as pathetically human, i.e., as truly well-explained or laid out only by the integral absurdity and farce of the questions why and how. Or 'spacetime' as chronically mutually transferred landscapes or intersubjective fields of ecstasy derived in love and war. .04 The deep state is the epitome of fascism x communism. Its word is self-deception. Self-deceptions are the primordial words of logical contradiction that 'define' and 'drive' the blaming and shaming that are the irrational or magical scapegoating complex of the errors force, power and control 2nd tier, both normal and abnormal, natural and unnatural. E.g., the list Hide & Seek?, 'Dr' Neel Burton. .05 Trump derangement syndrome is the epitome of deep state 'empowered' self-deception. .06 The infamous zombie attack is upon us... .07 The Stupendously Sexy Anatomy of Deep State 'Empowerment' Well, obviously the goal of such new segregation would not be the superiority of whites. Quite the opposite, yet the same. In so many ways. The meme 'together' is about the superiority of anything that is not white or male, if not the superiority of blacks or women. So, the deep state [indoctrination machine] can best target you further when you are coraled together, away from white, male 'corruption'. So the bullshit story of posthumanist seduction goes, if the general rule is that you can beat everyone at sport or mothering, the progressively revolutionary zombie logic being paraded is that you can beat everyone at everything. Zombie logic: the deepest logic of self-deception, not ratio or rational motion, but magical or irrational emotion, transcending logic, word and man. .08 At some point 'racism' is not racism, but disgust that no concession is enough. .09 Deep state: statism, or the opportunism of having both fascism and communism. .10 Group diversity and inequality correlate. The zombism is that to say so is 'racist'. Whether the variables are genetic or memetic, group diversity and cross-group inequality positively correlate. That any population is genetically more diverse one would assume is a good thing. And it is incontrovertibly the case in black populations (vs. white populations), which explains the disproportionate numbers of poor blacks, a section of people who could only be helped with reason, and would not turn to crime, if it is understood as exactly what it is. I have been thinking that for years, yet as soon as I say it, the zombie answer is one of fallacy, and the mental disorder of never being satisfied with equality of opportunity, and the focus is on the messenger who presumably is despicably racist. So it is that because of that error the idiotic answer has to be equality of outcome, which is deep state self-deception, or the leftist 'progressivist' abyss of fascist/communist 'empowered' opportunism we are entering now... unless the dismal deluge of zombist emotion stops. .11 Intergroup variation of intragroup inequality as if inequity is deep state zombism. .12 Self-deception (zombism) is the error or insanity of any story that someone or something does or has self-deception, fallacy or mental disorder, i.e., is a zombie, junkie or crazie.