Today: Nov 21, 2024 Blog | Word | Books
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.01 Progressivist spiritual (woke) predominance is jumping from The Fall into The Abyss. Superman is man's neoteny 2nd tier: from human (fetus) to posthuman (nothing). * Superman in which paradox and farce are holy, is the abyss. .03 The idea that humanity is at fault is the error known as The Fall. The idea that humanity is at fault at deeper levels than The Fall is the error that is the abyss. Not only do the younger generation not know what they're doing in terms of the old error that humanity is at fault, as the bullshit ground mythology extended to personification of inanimate objects that they are 'together' in some kind of (mindful) action fighting their supposedly normal and natural suffering, they are taking it to unprecedented depths, depths of no return. .04 The 'practical' component grows ever larger like metastasis, subverting word. re. Semiotics and the Philosophy of Language Introduction, p.5 par.3 .05 Everything is language. The error that anything is a tool, is the mayhem. .06