Today: Dec 03, 2024? Blog | Word | Books
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"The biggest threat to America today, in my opinion, is the domestic loss of confidence in the idea of America."
Dinesh D'Souza — Not quite. Such danger is subsumed by posthumanism: the infinite integration of transcendence idiocy. The first tier is The Fall, the emergence of the idea 'humanity' as the global loss of confidence in word (man). The second tier is the Abyss, the emergence of the idea 'posthuman' as the universal loss of confidence in the first tier. Globalism is slave to the abysmal philosophical bullshit of application, universalism e. Vygotsky, Jung, Piaget, Beck & Cowan. By the personification of existing (integral existence) beyond word everything is metastasized by the universalistic paradoxical (holy opportunistic) idealism beyond the ingrained corporeal identity of its constitution. The error that is the abyss, is agency, i.e., the universalization of application. 'Lawmakers' is ontic integration, or law as the abyss of counterfactually stable sets. Uncanny. Anything the Democrat news media has accused Trump of, is exactly who it itself is. Leftist progressivism is utterly, to the full extent of the infinite stupidity psychologism (the intersubjective fields of mutual transference) self-deception, fallacy and mental disorder. The zombie attack of white light enlightenment artificial intelligence (woke) is real. Leftist progressivism is utterly, to the full extent of the infinite stupidity psychologism (the intersubjective fields of mutual transference) self-deception, fallacy and mental disorder. Woke is the zombism artificial intelligence. Political Correctness (The Swamp) is The Abyss for the American Dream and Everything. Political correctness is the metastatic chaos (swamp) of feeling-emotions calculus. The mayhem is the error of the idea humanity, namely as species subject to The Fall. Women parade as the very motivation for the primal mythological fundamentalism of action for which men parade as the architects. Trying to raise women out of the cancer as the revolution overcoming the inflammatory delusion, fallacy and disorder supposedly the work of men is anything but the answer. It is the 'holistic' metastasis of the same error action and is the final bottomless and formless naivete that is The Abyss. |