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Action the 2nd Derivative of WorkThad Roberts, the two-dimensional (spacetime) story is that jerk is the viscerally unexpected, but jerk is the derivative of acceleration and acceleration is the viscerally expected, e.g., coherence. Furthermore, velocity is the integration of the viscerally expected and displacement is the integration of that. Power is the existential explanation of displacement. The integration of power is energy, and the integration of energy is action (actenergy). Hitler's eugenic pharmakon is nuthin next to the jab.Thad discovering the hyperbolic balance Five Dimensions are Necessary for the TOEThe spacetime story gets more and more fixed (not broken) as you add another dimension, until when you have five dimensions* it is coherent.—Thad paraphrased * In Thad's book 44: ... we fully decompose the hyperbolic figure eight knot under ideal partition balance... We discover that the boundary conditions of this decomposition precisely predict the Planck constants, the mysterious limits (boundaries) of the 5 fundamental dimensions of measure in physics (time, space, charge, mass, and temperature). |