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Point-i, that everything is word, is the only symmetryAPPROXIMATION IS THE BULLSHIT OF ALL BULLSHIT The heat death paradox (Kelvin’s paradox)* is irrefutable proof (not mere evidence) that everything is word, and that the explanation “existence” is the ultimate contradiction, namely exactly not existence but in its own terms as if it is transcendental enlightenment (thereby by virtue of man’s nothingness sacredly the holy shit) utterly bullshit and the logic of death. The explanation “existence” is for instance the error of spacetime as an idea that someone has, namely the contradiction that someone exists... that the world consist of agents or agency who do and have each other, which most acutely as subject/object is itself.
Faith is "existence" as the ground of all fundamentalistic bigotryThe perpetuation of singularity approximation is the ground of all fundamentalist bigotry, i.e., faith... “EXISTENCE” The end times idea is the ultimate self-fulfilling prophecy.It is the error “existence” and “intelligence” (cosmology, ontology and epistemology) as the bullshit to explain the absolute symmetry that word is, with absolute asymmetry, namely with “artificial intelligence.” That anything is more than word is the nonsense that is the mayhemThat anything is more than word, and therefore that word is mere sign, is the abysmal nonsense that is the mayhem. |