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The transmuted oracle is the abyssTHE “INTEGRAL” INTERSUBJECTIVE FIELD IS THE COLLECTIVE PSYCHE “Oracles were subjectivity's umbilical cord reaching back into the sustaining unsubjective past.” — Julian Jaynes The oracle (Julian Jaynes) is meaning as the zombie psyche self-deception of unconscious mindfulness or the collective unconscious crucible of primal memories enticing alpha-shaman. Alpha-shaman is cloak, obfuscation and diversion to the oracleOF ORACLE, I.E., OF MANA, PNEUMA AND PSYCHE Alpha-shaman (animus) is not the problem. The problem is the oracle (anima). The problem is not the buffalo dance but the trance-dance The focus that in the error of the explanation of word by nonword word, "agency-existence, alpha-shaman is the problem, is cloak, obfuscation and diversion. The gay trance-dancing or swooning oracle of wordless awe, re. “words are insufficient,” i.e., the zombie psyche of self-deception, is the supposedly [cybernetically] “self-organizing” mana, pneuma and psyche that are the problem. Whether material or spiritual, the collective-unconscious nothingness or mindfulness is the problem. Furthermore, if everything is word, Nothing is but the obfuscatory variation of nothingness. The trance-dance is the instructional construct, the struction (NOT TO SPEAK OF THE QUEER OF PRACTICE, LUDWIG WITTGENSTEIN) Origins of the Sacred, Dudley Young “Christian theology has over the centuries been uncomfortable with the unpredictable windiness of the Holy Spirit, and Jesus does not dance. This I personally find regrettable since Jesus has so profound a hold on my own imagination; and I would venture to suggest that this primitive "absence" dismays a good many other people as well. However, Christianity comes chronologically too late to be seriously addressed in this book: the nearest we get to Jesus is Dionysus and Osiris (in Chapter 7), but that is nearer than one might think.” That the oracle, or "consciousness" in the breakdown of the bicameral mind becomes personally abstractly collectively conscious/unconsciously consciously mindful is point-i. The dancing ground with alpha shaman is no more a stampede. It is the primitive set of meaning as delivered by spirits corrupted in self-deception, i.e., the swooning trance dance of the zombie psyche as normal and natural…, normal by constitutional law, philosophical accident and logical truths, and natural by universal law..., and such kinds of being as normal and natural are derived from Laws and Lawmakers, Marc Lange. The oracle is the contagion of metastasisThe rain dance or trance dance of the oracle is the integration of struction by contagion of luck just short of divinity. Hollywood is the arts, the abysmal anima. |