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Assault on the Human RaceDogs and Abortion the Same Terrorist Propaganda.Dogs are intensively culturally set up as brood parasites, which is the same assault on human parenthood as that abortion is a woman's choice about her body. The Wuhan ExperimentThe past week at the Winter Olympic Games where the Wuhan fraud is clamping athletes down like lab specimens. Genetic material is the added bonus of the chronic testing worldwide. Rolling profit.Dog meat is food in China.Note, in China dogs are on the menu. There are even dog meat festivals. No wonder dogs are being used in the propaganda so callously as if it's a mafia joke, to corrupt Western motherhood. Abortion too, common fare. It is the same China that conducted the brutal 35 year one-child experimentThe criminally psychotic autocracy of dog brood parasitism and abortion as if it is choice over one's own body in softheaded leftist Western propaganda logically adds to the brutality of the one-child rule. But as repeated often. It's no conspiracy. It's a criminally psychotic flock.I.e., junkism, zombism and crazy. The jab is all about hyper control.Talking head babble is deep psychotic bullshit. "Life" is the paradox, so woke is not about human death in time, but human death now.Hence, the next-tier calamity is not the traditional human ecstasy of love and war (punctuated like cancer), it's cybernetics as the pathetic whimpering of order and chaos (integrated like metastasis). I.e., criminal organization (mafia or triad).Fuck hyper-racist* slogans like "black art matters."* Human race racism. Ultimately art is no longer "renewing." It's sheer metastasis, metaverse and infinite abyss. That anyone is "black" is a cruel joke. The dark arts are exploiting it to the hilt.The same dark magic holds that someone is a white man..., in the same chronically hateful but holy farcical vernacular of the metastatic order and chaos of cybernetics. No longer the more masculine-and-feminine punctuated equilibria of love and war.The worldly chaos is now constant, as the criminal organizational holiness of farce holding humanity responsible for its incompleteness of consciousness. Five years ago. AI is the Implosion of EverythingAny extent of some Black, Female, Lesbian, Islam, or Chinese power-based future vs traditional White Christian Male power is AI as the fatal metastasis of the cancer that the idea of Power itself is. It is not that any of those types of power, whether traditional or progressive (except AI), is more wrong than any other. What is wrong is the idea of power... and ultimately the metastasis of the cancer that the error of the idea of power is... as AI... ... so the ultimate endgame of the error of the idea of power and of playing a game, is the utter divisiveness or neo-Apartheid/segregation of multicultural global village empowerment—as if they are each, separately but equally together—going to be in charge. But the true agenda is AI-algorithm super-religion, as that same error of artificial intelligence peddled as the new electricity—a mere tool. But it is not a tool. No one is doing anything, so as to be able to have or use tools. AI as the new sacred supernatural Authority is the error of agency as the implosion of everything. Update: Empowerment is the hyper-masculine criminal order of artificial intelligence.The Wuhan hegemony is artificial intelligence and is orders worse than any slavery.The donkeycornThe "donkeycorn," urban dictionary: "Donkeycorn's mama is an enchanted unicorn and his daddy's a donkey. That makes him one magical jackass!" 333333 Tattooing is dark artTattooing is 333333 empowerment together, art dark like a mutherfuckin joke, i.e., holy farce and whimpering mayhem. Dawn of the dead.