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1227#t0800 The error that the digital (deductively quantized) is or is not analog (inductively stochastic), e.g., that molecules are or are not fluid is the error that things functionally constitute each other (interactively deductively valid/sound like money and inductively strong/cogent like power, in any proportion of necessity and sufficiency but never absolute zero or unity). The error of kinematics, but especially as dynamics (beyond word so as to be The Word in some such sense) is a swooning-bullshit show, as its own obfuscation as utter error in the sensationalism or ecstasy of logic, dialectics and rhetoric ultimately infinitely meta. With spirit: “human” soul or “transhuman” psyche. The paradox is the error of the distinction whatsoever between deduction and induction, for instance, between the physical and the metaphysical. The error is the idea of agency, including the agents of cybernetics, like the so-called differentiator, or even the implicit agency of “the self” in “self-organization.” Artificial intelligence singularity, akin to nothingness.
1227#t0849 The realization that force, power and control are error, is the ultimate emergency perpetuation of agency and existence, as blissfully fake, i.e., as farcical diversion and obfuscation.
1227#t1238 from 1227#t0800 above Pierre Rousseau There are no distinctions to be made in an analogue context. |