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Expletive—SlurExpletive, more precisely, “slur.” Slur: Cast aspersions* on. Slur, archaic. Middle Dutch “sloor,” sluttish woman, insatiable junkie. Or “sloot,” ditch, “gesloten,” closed/shut out. Slur orig. “mud.” (wet dust—return to dust, bloody death) Aspersion origin: spray. What cast? — spell. Mud, hence "modify" twist, distort, as if "development" or "progress." AI is the metastatic slurring of “humanity”Artificial intelligence is the metastatic slurring (to slut and slurry) of the original slur of fallenness, “humanity.” Nietzsche on the psychologist's opportunism in the slur of man already fallen: “human.”Friedrich Nietzsche: THE GENEALOGY OF MORALS, FIRST ESSAY. “One always discovers them voluntarily or involuntarily at the same task, namely at dragging the partie honteuse (shameful parts) of our inner world into the foreground and seeking the truly effective and directing agent, that which has been decisive in its evolution, in just that place where the intellectual pride of man would least desire to find it (in the vis inertiae of habit, for ex, or in forgetfulness, or in a blind and chance mechanistic hooking-together of ideas, or in something purely passive, automatic, reflexive, molecular, and thoroughly stupid) — what is it really that always drives these psychologists in just this direction? “Is it a secret, malicious, vulgar, perhaps self-deceiving instinct for belittling man? Or possibly a pessimistic suspicion, the mistrustfulness of disappointed idealists grown spiteful and gloomy? Or a petty subterranean hostility and rancor toward Christianity (and Plato) that has perhaps not even crossed the threshold of consciousness? Or even a lascivious taste for the grotesque, the painfully paradoxical, the questionable and absurd in existence? Or finally — something of each of them, a little vulgarity, a little gloominess, a little anti-Christianity, a little itching and need for spice? “But I am told they are simply old, cold, and tedious frogs, creeping around men and into men as if in their own proper element, that is, in a SWAMP. “I rebel at that idea; more, I do not believe it; and if one may be allowed to hope where one does not know, then I hope from my heart they may be the reverse of this — that these investigators and microscopists of the soul may be fundamentally brave, proud, and magnanimous animals, who know how to keep their hearts as well as their sufferings in bounds and have trained themselves to sacrifice all desirability to truth, every truth, even plain, harsh, ugly, repellent, unchristian, immoral truth — for such truths do exist.” “Human” is the slur that is fountainhead to all slurs.The normal and natural are archetype psychometrics.Normal and natural are both trained-or-strained cosmologically existentialistic, ontological and epistemological archetype mythology in determination of what “human” is, so the “psychometrics” to determine the archetype mythologies, “psychology,” “the psyche” and “psychiatry” are the base bullshit characterizing “man” as “human,” namely a unity-ambivalent creature steeped and riddled in junkie fallacy (psychology), zombie self-deception (the psyche) and psychotic mind (psychiatry). Facebook does not care a whit about your privacyFacebook does not care a whit about your privacy. Quite the opposite. It and the rest of the infinitesimal infinity meta oligarchical technocracy euphemistically "the mainstream media" welcomes the war in the Ukraine as fashionable cloak for titillating "human" diversion. It and not the old-style Russian oligarchs is the raping of man twice over. It does not care a whit about your privacy. That is not to say "drop Facebook." The invasion of privacy is total. You cannot get away from it. It is artificial intelligence. Many technocrats would welcome point-iMany individuals thinking they are the technocrats who would welcome this perspective, in the hope that somehow there is a way out of the swamp they are mired in. Most in the intel community are shook by the 5th columnMost technocrats and hard working people in the intel community are utterly shook/ and or compromised by spooks of the fifth column (like Napolean’s rabid dogs in Animal Farm). The left is the instigator of the mass shootingsThe Democrat government, the mainstream mass media and its puppet audience TOGETHER, with its ZOMBIE gloating LIKE ONE when it happens, is knowingly THE instigator of the mass shootings. |