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#t0704 Richard Soloway “Is that because it is, as far as I know, still impossible to actually program a 'sense of humour' but it is possible to fake one? Some of the latest bio computers may be able to 'learn' what a sense of humour is and so simulate it but they will have got advance considerably to actually respond genuinely.” Everything is word. Artificial intelligence is not an actual machine, it is machine as the ultimate iteration of the nonword word contradictory explanation, "existence." Albeit central to the commons, the genuineness of humor is diversion and obfuscation of the error that “existence” is — as more “existence.” In other words it is “indeed” genuine, but only as an archetype mythology riddled and steeped in fallacy (junkie), self-deception (zombie) and mental disorder (crazie).
#t0724 “Human” as bullshit swooning in the archetype mythology is the nonword word contradictory explanation, "existence" by some sort of personification. The many elements of “human subjectivity” or “human ignorance” augment the considerable lists of the three basic types of “human fallibilities” and therefore confusions: junkie as the fallacies governed by “psychology,” zombie as the self-deceptions of “the psyche” and crazie as the mental disorders of “the mind.”
#t0814 They are Trojan horse insurgence to also destroy the few pathetic threads left of man, his humanity. The dog's role in the next order technocrat opportunist version of the abysmal bullshit so-called change for brute toxic artificial intelligence power, i.e., trans-everything, transsexualism not excluded, for it is key for its trigger-sensitivity, is its role as the foremost alpha infant brood parasite.
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