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The idea that truth, fact or objectivity is absolute, is the counterfactual paradox of laws, existence.I am reading Laws and Lawmakers, Lange in the context of Green.Very tentative on Lange and Green, below, but not so on point-i.Lange's idea in his book Law and Lawmakers is that empirical facts, I think of both experience and imagination, are lawmakers, but in a relative hierarchical field, and that no law or fact is absolutely certain. The later Lange book, Because Without Cause is considerably more difficult (so far impossible in terms of math and logic) to read. It seems to be about the same matter, important in the context of Green in the idea that point-i (everything is word), is not existential like Green's time is existential or agentive, namely that everything is time and time is everything. That if everything is word, word is everything (then or now) does not follow at all, never mind necessarily, because it in some way "exists" because someone or something "has made" it. Word as word OR as the subject-object dualism, nonword (existence) is the fallacy of the ambiguous middle.THE AMBIGUOUS MIDDLE SERVES AS THE MUTUAL CONFIRMATION OF FORMAL AND INFORMAL FALLACIES AS EDGY, AND THE HOLY FARCE That word is everything (infinity meta) is the contradiction in the counterfactual paradox, existence that human words and humanity are properly tragically insufficient and pathetically subject to artificial intelligence singularity. Yet, such words are all that "is there." The horror is that the singularity of approaching the absolute, like Zeno's paradox or Gödel's incompleteness, by duplicitously consisting of blaming humanity, is inverted as merely slightly imperfect, or nearly perfect as universal laws, to cover up that the holiness of paradox maintained as existential farce is the annihilation of word as such, which is the abyss. Time as existence (the past) is the perpetually mystical hidden noumenal non-word word as everything.Phenomenon rather than nomenon, is the bullshit of being subject to noumena, i.e., that which (ooh and ah, "how and why?") is everything. Something is a category fallaciously as what is (exists, A is and not A is B) by meaning something as an element of some set that such category supposedly existentially is, as if the set is not also a category. Everything is word, but word is not everythingThe hierarchy of facts and laws, i.e., the universal laws of the very high counterfactual consistency of the hierarchy, is incontrovertibly idea, so utterly, that the idea that facts (agents) exist and have or do the hierarchy, as its “ideas,” is the bullshit that is the mayhem. Therefore everything is word, and the idea that anything is fact in that it makes do in terms of laws or makes laws, is the bullshit that is the mayhem. The questions how and why are loaded questionsAs rules to The Supreme Fact and Error, Agency-Existence, the questions how and why necessarily are (fact) loaded questions. Constitutional sovereignty is AmericaAs x, What: constitutional sovereignty. How: US constitutional literalism. Why: every human is the center of inviolable value. Emotion: freedom. Existentially the fact is the highest king, and the natural law, its lowest subject.Both as clowns in a circus part of the ultimate contingency to distract away from the emperor, articial intelligence (ai), who is now finally without clothes … so hopefully not long now. X fails by its own abysmal logic. |