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First entered here at 20210622 The error is "something is" ( or not ) or then, "agency." This Page 20171005 (October 5, 2017) with 236 Comments contracted to 105 points. Pierre Rousseau, the text. Marek Sinason, quote box. The Original Post: Whether Christ, Allah or Dhamma, it is being as subject to Psychology doctrine. The language of the interior, of mental life, of aims, hopes, intentions was the word. The spell was spelling. The un-named, unspoken, un-written, un-symbolised, unsaid...trace the primary dualism that all language and literature conjures in relations, points, lines, frames, verbs, adjectives and nouns. What more is there to say but infinite spells? The error is the idea that text is being said, or that there is something beyond text whereby it is being said, namely that it is not as the text that such context is what is. Beyond text is a text spell. The magic of dualism. The doing or the being is variant spell. Error is a spell...the same dualistic magic Context is a dualistic spell Sense is stuff. It is not common conclusion that sense is nothing, or that what is the stuff is the something that does it. Yes, "error" is language-as-incoherence or dualism itself. Yes, "context" if as language-as-incoherence or dualism itself is the spell (that someone does it). A spell is cast. The error is agency. "Problem" is the idea that this is a discussion or that there is a dialectic under way. The idea that magic is the key, instead of point or idea-as-stuff, is the fake, farce and fuckery. Stuff is matter or spirit... as e.motion. Not at all. A spell or magic is something someone does, which is the fff. Anything that anyone supposedly does is the circular fff that is voodoo magic. The idea that all language is wrong is the denial which as the master denomination Psychology, is the chronic cancer, psychological denial. Language is what is. The language that language is mere opinion of subject, mind and consciousness is cancer. psychology is language....the intentions, the interior of characters, all prior to the word 'psychology'....the spell of fiction. Evident in every Shakespearean tragedy. ...the infinite compound spells go on, spelling errors! Spelling errors in characters! Yes, [like the example of Shakespeare,] psychology is language as denial [and worse, rationalization to the contrary] that it is language. Hence the infinite regress mutual transference of [the twittery,] propaganda. language is magic...good spells, evil spells...mediocre spells, variants of infinite spells and spellings. The idea that "the media has responsibilities on how to report it so as to prevent copy cat repeats" is Psychological Denial. Yes, it is time as if chronic. Or the infinite regress specifically as the Q&A how and why, instead of what.
Psychology as the psychologist patronizing some subject agency to be responsible is the magic that is the bullshit. The time for singling out individuals or specific groups for responsibility is way over. That Psychology is bullshit is extreme euphemism. The dualism that is the ideal or narrative disease is agency. Nothing else. The error is the idea that language is "naturally" personified. Or that everything is some mechanism or process. it is magic.....power is a spell, like powerlessness. The magic of force was prior to the magic of limited force. Responsibility is spell-binding. Whether alpha-crowned or not, shamanism is the spell-bound authoritarian opportunism that is the fff. Coherence is not magic. It is what is... as what [it] is.[a point] Ideal realism is not invocation. It is the statement that things are not in each other. Or outside each other. Things are each other as things. Only if there is a conjurer!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This is enough. The idiocy of "normal' is sheer agony. The idiocy of protagonism. The idiocy of things as subjects. The absolute fff that is now evident as politics and society. You are an agent of that atrocity... again as that language. It is waste. a conjured conjurer ...or conjured stuff, or conjured force, power, or powerlessness is the same magic. The corrective spells, or the invocation of spell-binding coherence, a variant of the magic of infinite spells. That magic requires a magician is a weak spell. The first spell was that magic IS God or force, power, presence, totality. All subsequent spells are spell-binding adjuncts....spells like cultures, groups, individuals, ideas. The spell of alternative, like inside or outside, things or no things, subject or object, coherence, incoherence, is the spell of tragedy or comedy. A "true story" is the tragedy and comedy of magic. Yes, that longer comment is obvious as what is as magic megalith. Ideal realism is not that. It is not magic. IR truth is not reference. It is what is not as anything other than itself. The idea of agency is the magic. It is the megalithic con.fusion. If what is, is denial of IR, IR is not true. It is as the context of the error that there is magic. Any motion that something has, is most generally idea, which is contradiction, since idea, namely if all that is, is infinitesimal time. it cannot have motion. Motion is that something is motion. So, the idiocy of the idea that God's existence or Not is beyond empirical science, is that logical error. It is the logical error of base or ground as "knowledge," or that someone knows what is actual or not. The issue of God is perfectly massively sensed, as the error of agency. It is empirically solid. It is probably the most masterful megalith. It is that cancer. Agency is no less the mythology of good and evil in the sacred and profane than God or Dhamma. And Psychology is the master denomination of that infinite bullshit. magic is evident in every spell....weak or strong, atom or archetype. Magic is the truth in all illusions. Magic is stuff and all relations and combinations. Infinite spells. The spell of tragedy and comedy. The spell of true stories. The spell of gods, the bad spells of weather, the spell of nihilism, cause, beauty, force, power, agency and the unwritten. Ideal realism is magic. No, "magic" is by definition normative, or something something else is spell-bound by. IR is not normative if it does not do anything.
The statement that motion is not other than the more general category, sense, idea or time-as-infinitesimal. The very term "magic" is contingent on the idea that there is something other than magic. If there is not, then what is, is not unreal, incomplete or magic. The idea that what is, is magic is denial of idea. It is denial. It is Psychology. If what is, is what is, the issue of magic is fff. Ideal realism is the idea that magic is the error. It is the idea that explanation of what is as more than the Q&A what as what is, namely [as] why and how, is the magic. Magic is denial of what is as what is. It is the shamanic bullshit of fear and ecstasy, as the opportunistic esoteric authoritarianism of knowing what the gods want.... and spell-binding the masses with such bullshit. Ideal realism is the spell that without magician there is no magic....illusion that allusion is delusion cured by spell. All magic. And what the Gods want (or love) is for us to know why and how, instead of what, as the mysticism of divine "knowledge." "Ideal realism is the spell that without magician there is no magic....illusion that allusion is dellusion cured by spell. All magic." If it is a process, namely if someone or something is engaged in action doing it. [literary] Personification is no less the atrocity that Psychology is, than the person. Psychologists are Don Quixotes [quixotic]. Supremely so. Process spells, like personification spells, like cancer, error, fuckery...infinite spells. All magic. Yes, and the magic is agency. Those very words are the fff. They are agentive words [words implying, contextualizing as agentive as if more than words], namely words as personification. agency is spell-bound magic. Magic is all bound and unbound spells. Magic is all, spells are infinite. Well, OK, they are probability as sense or stuff. As point or e.motion. The idea that someone [or something] does it is the only magic. The idea that IR is something that does something is the intransigence. It is the quixotic windmill. It does not take two to tango. There is no tango. The very idea of agency and action [existence or x] is the weapons-waving that is the fff. Psychology is the Las Vegas mass shooting. Psychology did not do the Las Vegas mass shooting other than as the fallacy that it is an agent. It is true that it is the Las Vegas shooting, not as an agent, but as language or idea. [As the idea that it (word) is more than word]. Categorising magic by spell is yet more spells bound in relations. Magic is. Spells are infinite. Relations are infinite. Agents and particles, adjectives, nouns...spelled out in verb or verse, scripture or song. All magic. This video is the pervasiveness of institutional psychological denial as fake, farce and fuckery that is the denominator that is the violence. It is the disease. Infinite spellings are inexhaustible magic. The spell of responsibility or irresponsibility is no more disease than to call magic a curse. A cosmic victim story. Right. The error is mind, consciousness and agency.The error is yin and yang. The error is direct dichotomy. The error is suspension of the idea that every object is idea, and that it is not idea as subject, but as object. [of the idea that everything is word, and that it is not word as subject or object, but as everything itself — hence, everything is idea] The victim story is none other than the story that there are criminals. It is the story that there are evil people or bad actors. It is the story that people have disease, is the only story that they should be eradicated like disease. ... as paradox. It is the Catch 22. There was a movement in the nineties to expand the insanity defense, but it was clear that such a set would have to include all criminals...
The victim story is that magic is curse when spelled out. Or power when spelled out, or error when spelled out. Or disease when spelled out. Tragedy and comedy are neither problem nor solution but both. The magic of complementarity. The spell of Pharmakon. Ideal realism [point-i] is not that there is a process (that seeks remedy or solution). It is not that there is a victim. It is the statement that protagonism is the bad logic that crime and victimhood are. It is not the statement that it can be corrected. It is the statement that statement as argument (between protagonists) is wrong. It is the statement that even if the arguments [themselves] are the protagonists (by personification) it is the same error. IR is NOT the statement that the truth will win, but that true ideas are good stuff, and that the very concept "problem" as that of "process" is the cost THAT the error, "opportunity" IS. The idea that something other than idea is required for good stuff to be what is, is the bad stuff therefore "by which" it is not what is. Yes, the holiness of tragedy and comedy is denial of idea as wholeness. It is the desire for the golden mean, or amidst the mayhem, to do to others what you would like to have them do to you. It is resigned (subject) acceptance of the story that the world is profane, and that it is as some reference to or reflection of the sacred, that good and evil are both the sacred truth. It [paradoxical yin yang or complementarity] is sheer error. The spell of problem/solution like the spell of agent/agentless 'stuff' is magic. Ideal realism tiger kung fu is not less magic than agent fiction spelled out. The error that there is error in magic (curse) is the victim story as 'true' spelled out as the 'statement that'. Language is not more or less curse or error without agents or protagonists. The action story (song) of the Iliad does not falter when gods or mortals are ascribed interior ideation. It remains magic with or without minds or agents...the tragicomedy of 'true-story' irrespective of spelled out content. The magic of sacred and profane in every verse or spell, song or curse. The infinite spells are inescapably bound magic, bound in the infinitesimal stuff, grouped partitioned and patterned in verse as relations or summed in bound total as the universe. The paradox is the spell of curse-free spells, or magic-less magic. All is magic. Magic is. Animism is spell-bound. The Iliad is not without agency. The words are voices. The Gods are the sacred driving the profane, as agents. The oracles are a conduit to the sacred will. was the spelling out of agency in gods and man, expanded in all Shakespeare's tragedy and comedy in ever greater interior spelling out. As the first post states "The language of the interior, of mental life, of aims, hopes, intentions was the word. The spell was spelling. The un-named, unspoken, un-written, un-symbolised, unsaid... trace the primary dualism that all language and literature conjures in relations, points, lines, frames, verbs, adjectives and nouns." The stuff of magic. What more is there to say but infinite spells? But enlightenment experience [is] beyond both appearance or conventional reality and ultimate reality. The word is spelling, the word agent is spelled. The word protagonist is spelled, the word error is spelled. The spell that anything does or does not do anything else is spelled. All spells are magic. Spellings are infinite with or without spells of agents or causes. The curse of agentive language is not different from the curse of language or the voodoo of the word. It is evident in all word spells without agent spells. The word 'word' is a spell. The explicit series of letters is as ideal point the stuff that the singular sign is; as metaphor. Word is not directly what idea is. The letters are not explicitly the same thing as letters, as word and as sign-idea. They are not in the word or in the idea. Time-as-point is not spell. It is the sense that everything is. The spell of agent is not the difference between complimentary or complementarity. The explicit series of letters is infinite and bound. Magic is all. Infinite explicit series of letters and spells are inexhaustible. Language is not necessarily spelling. Letters are spelling. Letters-as-language is not spelling. Letters-as-letters is spelling, but not as any magic. Simply as idea. The magic is the idea that words are comprised of letters, namely that letters "do" words. Or words "have" letters. [are done by letters] Not the symbol-as-idea, point or infinitesimal, only as reference (magically) above "mere" image or index. The word as spoken, written, ritual, dance or any such infinite regress of how and why explanation is the magic. sign a name or signify a signature, is the spell of signification. The symbol and the symbolic ....all magic. The signification of truth or error. All spells. All magic. The idea that "the image" or "the index" is not an idea, is denial that idea [word] is [already] reality. the idea that idea is reality or that denial is reality is one of infinite spells as all is magic. Philosophical realism or naturalism as anti-idealism is indeed paganism. It is looking at nature for the golden medians of good and evil in the sacred and profane, and is the propagandistic holiness of the tearful tragedy and comedy of battle and farce as ritual. It is Psychology as the fff. and psychology is in the the Iliad, long before the word 'psychology'. Spellbound magic. Psychology is not the cause or ground of atrocity like the Las Vegas shooting, but as the error, cause or ground. Psychology as the metaphor that is what is, (namely groundedness as under.standing upright on that ground) is the Las Vegas shooting. Yes, the Gods as words [as gods], or as the ones who produce the words, are all kinds of drives-as-atrocity. words at war...magic battles, forces of good and evil.....every story, every paradoxical true-story...from atom to archetype, trope to genre, constraint or transcendence, sacred or profane, disease or health spell-bound story. The stuff of magic. Yes, but magic is idea. It is the error that is the spell. Magic is idea as that which is the assumption of being beyond what is as idea. magic is the greatest category of spells (and all categories are spells, as are all content of categories). Magic is. Spells are infinite. Spell is the idea that things are organised. Spell is the idea objects are points or time. Spell is the idea of coherence, truth, evil, error of categories of spell. Magic is all. Yes, if that is the story, but it is the mayhem that is fff. It is the idea of a responsibility that is mortally enforceable. Yes, if the dictionary term, "existence" is wrong, and idea is existence, certainly that could be true for "magic" as well. That anything is at all is certainly magic, but not like the dictionary term, "magic." Ideal realism is the statement that any question or answer of how or why anything is at all, is the paradox that every mayhem is. If deconstruction to construct, namely agency (by subject of some whole), is spelling as a spell, yes; but then spelling is a logical error. It is a matter of semantics. Therefore no statement is true that extends as if beyond the question what it is, as metaphor. Idea is not a fundamental particle. It is the most general category that all categories are. Idea is. Magic is spell. It is not magic that anything at all is. It is idea. Magic is the idea that something else is "in it." The idea Marek Sinason that anything is at all, is magic, is the authoritarian opportunism of mystics having to explain it, and is Psychology. All magic is spell. Psychology is the highest spell, and psychologists are the master mystics. all spell is magic. Explanation is spell. Literature is spell. Language is spell. Mysticism is spell. Dance is spell. Ritual is spell. Cooking is spell. Spells of objectivity or spells of subjectivity, of cause or process, of atom or archetype, all examples of infinite spells. Magic is with or without spells. Magic is with or without spells of agency. Magic is. The denial of magic is a spell of agency or cause, conflating magic with associated magicians. Spells of ideas is a spell of agency or cause, conflating aim, purpose or mentation with truth separate from spells. Magic is. Spells are infinite. Spellbound agency-denial is one of infinite spells that denies the evident spell of agency. Spellbound agency denies magic. Magic is. Spells are infinite. Letter, word or narrative is not spell. Magic is making (spell of idea or time). Letter, word or narrative is not spell. Magic is making (spell of idea or time). Magic as making spell (of word) is the idea, doing, and is the only spell. Magic is incoherence or spell which is time as chronic denial or disease. The idea that agency is a disease is true as the error of magic itself, where magic is the error of making spell of word, idea or time... namely the story that something is in what is, casting it, or that someone spells idea. There is no FAKE, FARCE AND FUCKERY other than magic as the great politics of slavery, namely the cycles of spell-boundedness and liberation from it. The error that things create, do and have each other as protagonists is the magic that is the violence. Psychology as institutional psychological denial is truly agency, mechanism, process or system itself, namely magic or spell-casting as both slavery and liberation as normative disease or cancer. Magic is the allocation of the disease in agents cultured for that purpose. Supposed magicians (shamans) are spreading the disease to all persons. Magic is. Curses are some of the infinite spells language affords. Shamans, weathermen, doctors, priests, scientist, artists, parents spellcasting spell-bound agents animated by prior spells from speaking monkeys that named them. The spell of agency is invoked by the name. Who first spelled Pierre Daniel Rousseau? Was the naming a purpose of an agent or a prior spell? If language is a curse that spreads....what is 'other' than the curse? If there is no other, there is only spell-bound magic. If there is nothing but other-than-spells (unbound spells), there is no fff. Unbound spells/pure magic with no magician and no spelling or spell casting. The idea that unbound magic is idea is a spell. The idea that unbound magic is time is a spell. Magic is boundless or spell-bound in language/symbol/gesture/atom/archetype/agent.