TX USA Today: Nov 23, 2024 Blog | Word | Books
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Is 2nd tier agency not very much the same as 1st tier agency? The question is abysmal (hyper symbolic confusion) kowtowing psychobabble presumption about the first tier in every manner as "being human" or "primitiveness." Or the longstanding meta-religious confirmation that humans, one-by-one for their ape-deistic (satanic) inclinations are the disease. Drip, drip,.... drip on to the war of singularity, the universal infinitesimal (sheer ontological derivative) of technocratic psychologism infinitely worse than the autocratic first tier deism it laments. The error action to the point of no return. The problem (denying reality) is not that someone denies reality. It is the psychologistic formalism including the psychobabble of kowtowing to it that someone is denying reality (or is operating — in denial or under any other self-deception, fallacy or mental disorder). Humanity is not the problem one-by-one, like some ludicrous ape. The bullshit that is the very thing that problem is, is that they are. So, in terms of the bullshit intelligence the stupidity posthumanism, i.e., second tier (Baudrillard's hyperworld) is not mere orders worse. It is the singularity, the abyss. Nonword word is not a problem or not. It is problem itself, or the abysmal nonsense that word is a subject-object (subject to definition as ontological — "there is" or "there is not" — object). The most explicit "action" is word. Everything is word, whether symbol, index or icon. It is word. The idea that it is anything else by which as the logic of action, the self-congratulatory presumptuousness is that it is as "subjects" of the doctrine of action to various extents unwordy or unworthy (signifying and signifying nothing), not only no matter how "deep" but especially abysmal the deeper it is, is itself regression to nothing (vs. the holiness of its paradoxical presumption: being everything=God or Universe), namely x. Again, for the bullshit is extremely deep, everything is word. The idea that point-i is doing the same, that it is just another powerplay (wherein word is really Pierre Rousseau), simply is this (the bullshit): that it is not word. |