TX USA Today: Nov 21, 2024 Blog | Word | Books
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I do not remember from reading his book The Origin of Consciousness in the Breakdown of the Bicameral Mind, Julian Jaynes talking about anything like the similarities between animal or bicameral human affect and human emotion probably being greater than the differences. Does he say that in his "Two-tiered Theory of Emotions"? Note that the words "non-conscious attachment" and even the word "attachment" on its own are not in the Afterword, or anywhere else in The Origin. Yet, yesterday Marcel Kuijsten claims that Julian Jaynes did say that non-conscious attachment in animals [with affect] is more like human love than it is different. I not only cannot disagree more with such a currently increasingly popular premise, I cannot find it in his book. Jaynes seems never to have mentioned such a thing. To me it is clear that any notion leaning towards the idea that animals are more like humans than humans are human is the new propaganda in subversion of humanity and the establishment of globalist totalitarian control in a hyper-intelligent mechanistic Orwellian/Huxleyan dystopian society in the belief that even if it is does not prove to be the Utopia it wishes to wannabe, it is inevitable. The point is that the doctrine of submissiveness as if it is safe inner space (intra-space, "together") nonsense ever more ecstatically passing with and for holy farce is the hyper-fundamentalist progressivist faith in question: "Existence" (plus or minus). "Adapt or die." |