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Die Bestaan is die eintlike fundamentalistiese (ongegronde grondige) geloof. Existence is the actual fundamentalist (unfounded fundamental) belief. Google Translate eintlik is not exactly actual "Reality" is in cahoots with "fantasy" in construction of awe, awe both at and about the nonsense sense that things "exist." Virtual Muser Meeting Sunday June 6, 2021 Unlimited Limits and the Lowest Turtle The statement. Ronald, we are working on a huge project on our house for the next three weeks, so I may not be able to make it. I'd like to, so I'll see how far I'd gotten by Sunday. A statement from Pierre that is easy to understand and clear in meaning. What happened to the pythian utterances? This is positively gnomic 🙂 Richard Soloway
The Q&A that things exist or not is what is like Zeno's paradox intellectually vanishingly shallow, i.e., artificial: as the definition existence. Understandable * language is easy. ... for it is soundbite-like platitude covering up and facilitating the error that it is, deepstate Aka twittery or tweeting. * Understanding Attributed to Einstein “Two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I am not yet completely sure about the universe” The quote is abysmal word self-contradiction chanted or twittered good as holy paradox (hence the bind of Freud's realistic seduction vs. fantastic triad), namely the idea that one has, thinks or speaks word and that one's understanding in terms of word, as the relative extent of one's knowledge makes of one an infinitesimal subject both as agent and slave of things sacred, namely things (missing or mystic) infinitely larger than oneself. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8yqa-SdJtT4 The New Left Nonsense Politically correctness, social justice or woke progressivism is the abysmal nonsense-enlightenment that word is endlessly controllable as mere speech, personal opinion or token of reality. So, the new liberal revolution is the untrammeled suppression of word in terms of self-deception, delusion and "mind" that life is virtual or nothing. The error is the dualism "existence explains meaning." the systemic denial of what everything is (word) for something else to supposedly "play" it in the world (of "roles"). New conservatism is only good insofar it allows free speech, which at least emulates point-i (that everything is word). It is Trump himself, under the camouflage of populist rhetoric, who has overseen the open expansion of the deep state: entrenched interests gaining outsize influence and setting their own policy agenda, unchecked by the will of the people, their elected representatives or the civil servants meant to regulate them. The Washington Post Psigies-patologiese Leuen. Psychic-pathological lie. Google Translate Die sentralisering van mag in sistemiese ondermyning van die Amerikaanse mag-desentraliserende grondwet oor die afgelope tagtig jaar, is telkens 'n linkse stuwing van die absolute nonsens dat taal die wêreld moet hokslaan tot dit chaoties en magteloos onderwerpbaar aan totalitêre sg. beheer is, soos Noord-Korea... aan China. The centralization of power in systemic undermining of the American power-decentralizing constitution over the past eighty years, is again and again a left-wing push of the absolute nonsense that language must cage the world until it becomes chaotic and powerlessly subject to totalitarian so-called. control, like North Korea ... to China. Google Translate Natuurlik met sulke oneindige onnoselheid sou konserwatisme van die ondermyningsproses beskuldig word (soos in die aanhaling hierbo). Of course with such infinite stupidity, conservatism would be accused of the undermining process (as in the quote above). Google Translate