TX USA Today: Dec 03, 2024? Blog | Word | Books
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Pierre Rousseau not many people think like you that I've met, wouldn't it be nice if everyone agreed to a common code of ethics? Supra Librix, That a common code of ethics is utterly impossible without the disintegration of everything (all meaning) as if it is integration, is the reason for point-i, namely that everything is word and that the word as if non-word, "existence" is the error that is the mayhem. A universal code is possible were it not for the divisiveness of the duplicity that things are ontological, namely that they are not only 1) meaning (word) but also 2) exist (non-word). Both word and existence are massively incomplete (approaching zero, the singularity) by which also a common code of ethics for negotiating the incompleteness, is necessarily the singularity. Word and non-word together are the endlessly slippery duplicitousness of "the psyche." [Freudian id(instincts) ego(reality) and superego(morality)] as the divisive force(fake) of jealous protagonisms of meaning as "[caused by] knowledge" and existence as "[caused by] power." That knowledge and power are not divisions but "paradox" or "farce" as "creatively complex universal synthesis of theses vs. antitheses," is not holy, it is the hole, the abyss. Thus "ontology" is the oncology and cancer that are the mayhem. Gravity or any so-called force is not a force, or even a form or an infinitesimal for integration. It is a point-of-meaning, at any derivative order of resolution. It is word. Is physix consistent with the idea that any order of change (derivative) is not more than a point, but is the 0th derivative that the point is, namely the "function," y. Point-i (that everything is word) is not a function y in terms of x in any reductive graphic(geometric) quality uncovered in investigation of the thing, who having quality is thus an agent, that can be explained by all kinds of mathematical-physical (physixal) "self-organizational complexity" but is the thing. Now I'll go see about Q-slopes and Physix in more depth. If the error of the idea that orders of derivatives are the dynamics of existence, agency and action, is the error of word-transcendent words to explain word, even the mathematical word "function" is the error of personification. The problem is color and shade are only two kinds of meaning that no devices of dynamics or agency like open-endedness, openness, supremacy or liberty solve. Curt Doolittle unfriended me shortly after I said essentially that he cannot by a very long shot muster the manpower to follow through on his punctuated equilibrium method (intermittent war) to reset what's gone wrong. The more continuous edge-of-chaos empowered woman evolution-dynamic casuistry of Supra Librix is far worse, because it is the same error of existence by attrition of explaining word from beyond word... meta, or next-tier. |